Thursday, October 13, 2016

Review: My Lady Jane

My Lady Jane My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love it !! Love it!!
This is the first time I have read a fantasy book and laugh so hard.

The plot
Once upon a time, England was divided into kind of people verities and E∂ians.
Verities were normal people, but E∂ians were blessed with a gift, a gift who can change them from human to animals. England was ruled by the King Edward. One day he got so sick by the affliction whose make his dying. Edward decided to give his kingdom to someone who can trust him. His first man, Dudley suggested to give his kingdom to his cousin Jane and marry her to his son. The king liked the idea and decided to marry his cousin and best friend Jane to Gifford (son of Dudley).
Gifford is an E∂ians but he can’t control his shift, from the dawn of the sunset he turned into a horse and from the sunset to the dawn he became into a human body.
Days after days, Edward discovered that he’s not sick, but poisoned by his first man, Dudley.
How Edward could save his self and his kingdom? Could he find the antidote before he dies? And what will happen to his best friend Jane?

The characters
Okay, all these characters were hilarious.


The bookish girl, redhead girl, and a sexy ferret HAHAHA. she was hilarious, I loved every word she said. Jane is so smart and so kind. she likes helping people.
“I also love you more than being queen, which admittedly, I didn’t love a lot.
“I know I’m not inspiring much confidence at this point, but there’s something else I thought I’d bring up.” She lifted her eyes to him. “I love you more than I love books.”


Please call him G. The poetry lover. The powerful Horse. I fell in love with his words, he knows how to make a woman fall in love with him. Agh his words *__*.
“My Lady Jane . . .
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”


The king or I shall call him the boyish king. he's courageous and so brave, and he's so funny.
“I am not dead" argued Edward. "There are nefarious villains who would have you believe I died. But any accounts of my demise have been grossly exaggerated, I assure you, for here I am, very much alive.”

  Gifford and Jane

I'm so jealous of their relationship!! This couple is amazing, beautiful, and so funny. They care for each other, and love each other so bad. In a simple word, they complete each other. Their relationship felt so real. The connection between these two characters is so strong.

My opinion
Ugh!! This book is awesome!! The style of writing was amazing, the characters were described so wonderfully. I can't believe that this story is retold, but in a funny way.
The parts I loved most in this book, were the funniest moments.

  Funniest moments

1-When G didn't know how to say to Jane that he has a curse:
“G took another gulp, and thought about the best way to break the equestrian news.My dear, you know those four-legged majestical beasts of the land? Well, you married one!
No. That could not be the right approach.My sweet, have you ever had a difficult time deciding between man or beast? Well, now you don’t have to!
Again, he thought better of this tactic.Sweet lady, there are those of us who sleep lying down, and those of us who sleep standing up. I can do both.
No.You know how some men claim to have another, perhaps hairier side?Have you ever cursed the fact that your loved one has just the two legs?Did you know that horses have incredible balance?Hey! What’s that over there? And then he would gallop away.”

2-When G and Jane just married and tried to set rules:
“No horse jokes," he said.
"My lord, I apologize for the horse joke. If you put down the book---unharmed!---I will give you a carrot."
He brandished the book at her. "Was that a horse joke?"
"Was that a horse joke?”

3-When Jane explained to G how to fight with the bear:
“Firstly, bears are always hungry. So when you encounter the bear, don’t act like food.”
“I read it in a book last summer, called—”
G held up a hand. “Don’t tell me the name! No time.”
“Right. As I was saying, bears are always hungry. Try not to act like food.”
“How does one act like food?”

Amazing book that I highly recommend it

View all my reviews

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