
Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicle, #3)Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a heartbreaking story!!

I'm speechless, I genuinely don't what to say!
I really loved it. I can't express how much I adored this masterpiece. *Big sigh* HUH, Where do I begin? Okay, The plot. It was really exciting and suspenseful. I couldn't put the book down. Each chapter intrigued me to know the answers of the precedent one.
The characters were amazingly wonderful. The connection between them felt so real, and what I loved more is the personality of MIA. I loved the way she thinks and how she reacts to each problem she faces. She was merciless yet; has a big heart. I really loved her.
And as I said in my first review. The world-building was creative and original. and that what made this story phenomenal and enjoyable.

All these words can't express how much I loved and admired this trilogy.

PS: If you found the first book is boring; just keep reading. The other two are so much better than the first one.

View all my reviews The Toll (Arc of a Scythe, #3)The Toll by Neal Shusterman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

It was a big disappointment !!

I'm really mad!! This book wasn't as I expected.
the first 200 pages were boring and very slow but I said to myself "this is going to be good". Then, nothing happened.
I was struggling with it. I didn't want to DNF it, I wanted answers. But, it was a really big let down.
Huh*big sigh*, I was really excited to read it. I really loved the 2 first books. So, I thought this going o be an epic read but then, my expectations fell deep down.


View all my reviews Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer, #2)Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book, I will give it all the stars of the universe!
I loved each word written in it! It was way better than the first one.
The story was really fast full of suspense and drama which I couldn't put the book down!!
And what made me fall in love with this sequel; the characters in it. They were so cute, sweet, and adorable. They made the plot vivid and colorful.
Ah, I really love this book. I wish there's another one :(.

View all my reviews Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1)Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I didn't love it but I really enjoy it.

The plot:
Once upon a time, an orphaned boy called Lazlo Strange. He likes stories and loves collecting them, and what fascinated him more, a city called weep. But this city was a myth to his people. Whenever he brings a discussion about Weep, they laughed at him and called him Strange the Dreamer.
However, Lazlo didn't give up. he spent 7 years collecting anything related to this Unseen city. Until one day, a great Weep's warrior came to Lazlo's city. He wanted some of the finest scientists and alchemists in the city. So, Strange saw this as an opportunity to go and visit this mysterious magical city. Except, Lazlo was no scientist nor alchemist. Therefore, he talked to the great warrior and convinced him that he knows this city more than anyone does. Even the great warrior was very interested in Lazlo.
Finally, Lazlo's dream came true, and so this journey begins...

My opinion:
I really liked the story. It was so magical and whimsical . In the beginning, I was going to DNF it because the plot was so slow and the writing was different from what I have read. But, my friend told me that you're going to love it just keep reading it. So, I did as I was told and it wasn't bad. The plot was picking up slowly but it was adventurous.
I really love the main character Lazlo. he was so naive yet intelligent, caring, and very kind. This character made the world so vivid and cheerful to me.

However, what I didn't like in this story; is the names of the cities and characters. Maan!! I was struggling with spelling their names. Also, I didn't like the slow pace of this plot, it made it so boring especially in the first chapters.
Overall, I enjoyed it and I'm really eager to start the second book.
Actually, I'm reading it!!

View all my reviews All Your PerfectsAll Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

And now I confirmed that Colleen Hoover is my all-time favorite author!!

I'm really speechless.

“If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim.”

Basically, the story is about a married couple; Quinn and Graham, which they are madly in love. But something got into their marriage and tried to rip them apart. And that something is Infertility.

I went into this amazing story blindly. I didn't know a thing about it. And like any other Colleen Hoover's books, they get me hooked and I can't put them. The same thing happened with this book. I read it in one day. It's been a long time since I read a book in one day. Well, what can I say? the story was amazingly written!! It really describes what Infertility means to each married couple. This problem could gather them even more or it could lead them to divorce.

“Our marriage hasn’t been perfect. No marriage is perfect. There were times when she gave upon us. There were even more times when I gave upon us. The secret to our longevity is that we never gave up at the same time.”

I really enjoyed each word written in it. The writing was light and easy to read yet it was full of emotions and heavy feelings. Each scene passed in was so vivid and full of life. And what I loved the most is the chapters. They were written in "Now and Then". you can see how the couple were before the marriage and after 7 years of marriage. You can see how they were madly in love and then how they struggled to keep that ember of their love enlighten.

“And I promise . . . I swear . . . that if you choose to end things between us, I will love you more as you’re walking out the door than on the day you walked down the aisle. I hope you choose the road that will make you the happiest. Even if it’s not a choice I’ll love, I will still always love you. Whether I’m a part of your life or not. You deserve happiness more than anyone I know. I love you.”

I really loved this masterpiece and I highly recommend it!!

View all my reviews Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicle, #2)Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is mind-blowing!!

My mind couldn't process all the things that happened in it especially at the end of the story. It was like when someone keeps punching you, and you can't defend yourself from it so keep receiving hit after hit without recovering from the last one. I was just like that! Plot twist after plot twist.
My mind kept screaming at me, begging me to stop so he can handle all the events that happened. But My heart was like "GIVE ME MORE, I NEED MORE".

This book was shockingly stunning!!

View all my reviews Children of Virtue and Vengeance (Legacy of Orïsha, #2)Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

𝐼 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛'𝑡. 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒. 𝐼𝑛𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑍𝑒́𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑎. 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑖. 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘.

View all my reviews Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6)Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This the beginning of the end!!

View all my reviews Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That was a pretty big book, full of details that you cannot find it in the movie!!

View all my reviews The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“May the odds be ever in your favor!”


Where was I when this book came out!

I know that all of you have read or watched the movie except me. So, there's no need to sum the story. I'll skip to my POV.
My Opinion:

I used to hate reading book which it's very hyped. One day I was bored and I needed a quick small book. So I picked The Hunger Games.
At the first chapters the story was so annoying, and I hated the main charachter Katniss. However, I forced myself to continue reading it. But then when the game began, I changed every thought about it. I was really captivated by the game and the world, and I began to like Katniss. I began to understand why she was acting like this in the first chapters.
What I liked the most is the describing of the scenes. They felt so real to me. I felt like I was in the game and witness each event happened in it.
(view spoiler)
Overall, I really loved it and enjoyed it.

View all my reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I think this the best book in the series.

View all my reviews In the Dark, Soft EarthIn the Dark, Soft Earth by Frank Watson
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was given a copy of this collection in exchange for an honest review.

Honestly, when I received this collection I was so excited to read it. I was in a mood of reading poetry. And what intrigued me more was the title.
But when I started reading it. I couldn't connect with its word. The words were so beautiful yet meaningless. The lines were hollow and empty of feelings. I didn't feel anything while reading it. So, I DNF it.

View all my reviews Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

How can I describe this book in one word!! Oh yeah, I found the right word !! OUTSTANDING

Where was I when this book comes out !! OH, I WAS WATCHING ITS MOVIE AGAIN AND AGAIN!!
And you know what I found! That the movie sucks!! They omitted all the great scenes and changed all the plot!! Why!! I was living in a Lie.

The book is better than the movie!! I REPEAT, THE BOOK IS BETTER!!

For example:
(view spoiler)

I can't stop reading this series. They're Marvelous

View all my reviews Only Time Will TellOnly Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Some people standby you in your darkest hour while others walk away; only a select few march towards you and become even closer friends.”
― Jeffrey Archer, Only Time Will Tell


The plot:
I don't know how to describe it. The plot is so hard to explain and so complicated. Well,
It's about a young man named Harry Clifton. Harry was born in a poor family but with a bright mind. His father died when he was a kid so his mother raised him. Harry has such a bright intelligent mind. That's why his mother encouraged him to go to school. But Harry's life was full of secrets and when he grew up these secrets have been revealed.

My Opinion:
I'm really speechless. This book has blown my mind. I went blind reading this story, not knowing anything about it. And I think it was a good idea.
The story was so amazing and lifelike. It was written from a different perspective, each perspective has his own story but somehow it was all linked together. Also, the writing was so classic, it felt like I'm reading a classic book. And what I loved the most is the setting. Maaaan!! that was my favorite era in history (1921-1939). And, oh! I almost forgot about the plot twists. There was a lot of drama and ups-downs which left me speechless. While I was reading, I thought that I know everything but I didn't, each time I got shocked and amazed by a plot twist.
I really enjoyed reading this book, and I highly recommend it!!


View all my reviews Amy & Roger's Epic DetourAmy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars



The Plot:
So basically, the story is about a girl named Amy. Amy had a terrible year, her father died from a car accident. So, her mother decided to move to another state(From California to Connecticut). But the problem is she couldn't take Amy with her until she finishes her school year.
When Amy finished her year. Her mother called Amy to join her in Connecticut. But there was another problem; Amy's mother needed to bring her car and since Amy had a bad memory about driving a car.
Her mother called a friend who has a boy named Roger. Roger was going to Philadelphia so Amy's mother requested him to take her car and bring Amy with him to Connecticut.
To sum up, this story is about a road trip from California to Connecticut.

My Opinion
I enjoyed it but I didn't like it. All I cared about is the road trip. I really loved the road trip. It felt like, I was in the USA. I liked all the places they visited, it felt so real.
I didn't care about Amy or Roger's life. I didn't feel any connection between them. I felt their relationship was more friends than lovers.

View all my reviews Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle, #1)Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That was uninspectable! And it worths all this Hype!


Basically, this story about a girl named MIA. She wanted to become an Assassin to avenge her father's murder. So, she went to an assassin school to become a slayer and kill the men who tore her family apart.

WOW. I started reading this book with low expectations. I heard so much about it but I didn't expect that this Master Piece worthed all this hype.
In the beginning, the story was so damn slow, and I didn't understand a thing. I was about to DNF it but then I forced myself and kept reading it. When Mia arrived at the school (RED CHURCH) , everything started to be clear to me, like the fog in my head begun to fade away.

1- The World Building:
At the start, the world-building was so hard to understand. It required a lot of focusing and attention. Because it was so different from all the other books I've ever read. And that what made me keep reading it. I wanted to understand it.
In this world: The day is called a Turn
Yesterday is Yesterturn
And so many unfamiliar things you will find it while reading this book. The author did an amazing job by creating this world, he even about its history!! How fascinating is this!!


2- The characters
Let's talk now about the characters. Each one of them has his own feature which made him different from the other, each one of them has his own history that made you wonder and want to know more and more about him. There was perfect chemistry between them and that what made them look so lifelike and vivid.

3- The Writing
The writing was so complicated in the beginning. I was like reading between the lines to understand its meaning but then, I just got used to it.
It was so lyrical and poetic. When I was reading the story its words felt like they were singing and dancing. Each written word completes the other with an exquisite tune.
The battle scenes were described so vividly. I felt like I was in it, I heard the swords slamming and blood-shedding. MAAN!! That was so EPIC!!

The Conclusion
It was an extraordinary read. I loved it so much. All these words that I wrote about it can't describe how much I admired and worshiped this book.
If you want an original world, intense writing, and an epic story, you should definitely read this one. I highly recommend it.

View all my reviews Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

“To whatever end,” he whispered.
Silver lined her eyes. “To whatever end.”
A reminder—and a vow, more sacred than the wedding oaths they’d sworn on that ship.
To walk this path together, back from the darkness of the iron coffin. To face what waited in Terrasen, ancient promises to the gods be damned.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash


At first, I was intimidated by the length of this book. It took me great courage to start reading it. In the beginning, the plot started really slow but it picked it up after 100 pages, and everything happened really fast.

Every scene passed in this book made wanna read more and know what is going to happen.
My favorite scene was(view spoiler).


Sarah J Maas' writing is so beautiful. It's lyrical, poetic, and engaging. There was a lot of suspense, drama, grief, sadness, joyousness, and love. Each event happened in this story intrigued me .it made me either cry or feel happy. It played with my emotions really well.

I certainly didn't want this series to end. I'm going to miss these characters a lot :(. The book was a fascinating closure for this splendid series. It was the most extraordinary adventure I had in these past years with this sequel.


Throne of glass review ========>
my link text

View all my reviews The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't know where was I when this book came!!


My Review

So the story is about a teenage boy who discovered that he's a Demi-God and he has to attend a Half-Blood school to know more about himself. (I know all of you read this series).

The plot talks about Greek Myth but in a funny way. which made me read more and more! And also it has Harry Potter vibes!!
I loved all the characters in this book, the chemistry between them was delightful and vivid.
The Narrating was so easy and enjoyable. Each scene described in this book was so real, I visualized each event happened in this book, it felt like watching a movie.
and what I loved more was the knowledge about the Greek Myth. I learned so much while reading it.
I regret each day passed in my life for not reading this amazing book!!
If you love Greek Mythology, Just read this book!!!

To summarize: IT WAS AMAZING!!

View all my reviews Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 i𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫.

I had an amazing adventure while reading this book. I really love Africa. I love its culture, its nature and especially, its literature. And when I saw this book, I immediately bought it and started reading it.
Maan!! The story was amazing😍😍!
I loved the plot, the chemistry between the characters especially the brotherhood between Tzain and Zelie👫. I loved the sequence of the events. It made me wanna read more and more and never get bored.

And what I adored the most is the writing 📝. It was so vivid🤩, it was like I was watching a movie. Everything in this book felt alive. Especially when the writer started describing the Church of CHÂNDOMBLÉ⛪ and The Gods. At that moment everything was so colourful, expressive, bright😍, and all the amazing words can't describe what I felt.

To conclude, I can't wait to read the second one. And I highly recommend you to read this book!!!!

View all my reviews The Lies We ToldThe Lies We Told by Camilla Way
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My first read this year 📖
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

So basically, this story is about a womed named Clara who her boyfriend(Luke) got kidnapped. All his friends, family and police searched. But this searching has revealed so many secrets and lies🤫🤫.
I really enjoyed it. It was really creepy and scary😱. It deals with mental disorder and psychological problems. I highly recommend it.
What about yours?

View all my reviews الابتزاز العاطفيالابتزاز العاطفي by Susan Forward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I would like to thank my mother in law for giving me this book which helped me a lot to understand my emotional blackmail person.

Before reading this book, I was devastated, confused and hopeless. Because of my emotional blackmailer who is my Mother.
And you know how we should treat and respect our parents. But my mother took this as an advantage to her. She always demands from me to do things that I can't do, and if I say no she starts blackmailing me. and her famous statement "I thought you're my best daughter and the wisest one but my thought was wrong. You're so selfish, how could you do that to me. After all the things that I did for you and you repay me with this". Then she starts crying.
I was in a loop. One day my mother in law saw me crying, she insisted that I tell her what happened so I told her. She listened to me carefully then she gave me a piece of advice and this book to read it.
A day after the incident I started reading it. this book helped me a lot to understand my mother, why she treated me like this and gave me methods which help how to communicate with my mother without letting her hurting me or blackmailing me.

I highly recommend this book for all who are suffering from this emotional blackmail.

View all my reviews Vicious (Villains, #1)Vicious by V.E. Schwab
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human.”

V.E Schwab's writing never disappointed me!!

After reading Shades of Magic trilogy and Monsters of Verity duology I decided to pick another world created by this amazing author. And my picking was amazing.

Everything in this book astonished me.

The writing:

The writing is really delicious,I couldn't stop savoring its words. Schwab always chooses the perfect words for each scene which made it more vivid and dramatic.

The plot:

It's really awesome to see two best friends become the most hateful enemies. It's hard to find this kind of plot in other books. Most of the time you find enemies to lovers or to friends but enemies to friends, Naahaah!! and this made the story original and unbelievingly stunning.
The world-building is so interesting, I couldn't stop reading. Because the more I read the more I discover something new which made me more curious and inquisitive to explore this fascinating world. And what I liked about this book that there's no hero only villains who try to cover their sins by doing good things.

To conclude this review, this book is really incredible I highly recommend it.

View all my reviews
GeekerellaGeekerella by Ashley Poston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story is Stunning
“Look to the stars. Aim. Ignite.”

Let me give you a quick simple synopsis.

The Plot
Darien Freeman is an actor a fan of a famous series called Starfield. While he was working on the movie adaptation he texted to a wrong number which it belongs to an orphaned girl who lives with her Ruthless stepmother and two Evil stepsisters and also she's a big fan of Starfield. Danielle (the orphaned girl) texted him back and their relationship got stronger without even knowing each other. And obviously, stuff happened which you need to pick this book and read it!!

My Opinion
Okaaaaay, this is the best YA contemporary book I've ever read this year so far.
It literary blew my mind. Okay, let me explain to you how this love story (Me & The book) began. It was half past midnight, I was bored and in a big reading slump, I picked this book randomly assuming that I will read just a chapter or two, but NOOOOO, I couldn't stop reading, chapter after chapter, event after event, the story got interesting with many conflicts in it, and my tension was building up with many questions in my head. So, I end up finishing this book at 5:19 a.m!! This the first time I read a book in one sitting, without even going to pee!! The story was really exciting, captivating. It made me stay all night reading it with non-stop.

Genuinely, I wasn't expecting this at all. This story was the best retelling fairy tale ever. I even liked it more than Cinderella story itself. The plot was written in such a way which made all the things for me vivid and colorful. It was full of emotional parts, humor, and Plot Twists. It made me laugh, got angry and cry!! Yeah, I cried so hard in many parts.

Oh, and the characters *HAHAHAHAHA* Ashley Poston really knew how to describe each one of them, especially the stepmother and the twins. God!!! I hated them so much!! They were ruthless, heartless, cruel with no speck of mercy in their soul. And without forgetting how the author described the Fandom. We all are fans of a Tv series or a book series. I'm Fan of Harry Potter and Ashley really knew how to picture my feelings and thoughts of being a FAN with only using the right words!!


All these things and many more attracted my heart and everything in me to read with passion and love!!
Amazing story I can't wait to read more of this wonderful author.

View all my reviews A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic, #3)A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This trilogy is the best thing I've ever read this year so far!!

The ending was amazing just like I expected, a lot of things happened, a lot of loss and betrayals, but all these awful events the story was still marvelous, incredible. I loved how the plot's actions developed and became more complicated, it made my heartbeats fastened and my breaths shallowed, it felt like I'm watching a horror movie. It was a very suspenseful vivid book.

I'm glad and thankful that I read this piece of art.

View all my reviews A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic, #2)A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holly Crap!! What did just happen? My mind is going to blow because of this cliffhanger!! I'm really not going to sleep tonight, I need to find answers!

View all my reviews A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1)A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
My rating: 5 of 5 stars



The Plot:
In a world of magic there were four parallel Londons :

The Red London
Where the magic was treated well and properly by their owner.

The White London
Where the magic was controlled and brutally used by the kings.

The Grey London
Where there was none magic, only humanity.

The Black London
Where the world was consumed by magic.

So, Kell is a magician from The Red London who can travel between the other three Londons. During his journey to the White London, something happened and he needed to fix it.

My Opoinion
I freaking loved it!! Where the hell was I when this book came out!! This story made my heartbeats fastened it felt like my heart was going to explode, and it blew my mind with its incredible writing. I don't know how to describe my feelings toward it, so I'm Going to express them in this way:

===> The Writing:
Amazingly written. It was flavorful and rich with adjectives and metaphors. At first, when I noticed the story is written in 3rd Person I thought it's boring and I'm going to DNF it, but then I didn't feel bored on the contrary I felt excited and more hungry to know what's gonna happen next. Oh, and the scenes, they were described with vivid, dramatic, bright way. Each scene contained a mix of emotions, there was anger, joy, sadness, and fear. Without forgetting the suspense who made me frightened and eager to read more. Oh, I almost forget the romance!! there was none which made the story more enjoyable and fabulous

===> The Setting:
Wonderful!! Four Londons with magic in 19 century. A perfect setting for a fantasy book.

===> The Characters:
Stunningly portrayed!! Each character has a specific feature which made him different from the other, Kell is careful and kind, Lila is a thief who cares only about herself, adventurous and stubborn as hell. The Danes bother ruthless, brutal, and all they want is power. despite all this difference, The characters were admirably connected, they were lifelike, glowing, and real.

I'm keen to read the second book which I'm going to start it today!!

View all my reviews Nowhere but HereNowhere but Here by Renee Carlino
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


What a heartwarming book

The Plot:
Kate is a writer and a reporter in Chicago, she was sent to interview R.J Lawson who is the famous computer engineer and the owner of the winery in Napa, San-Francisco. Kate met someone in Napa whom works for Lawson, their relationship got intense and they fell for each other. But something happened and messed up all the sweet things between them.

My Opinion

After reading many fantasy books, my mind needed to rest and my heart wanted a fluffy, cute, sexy, romantic contemporary story, so I chose this one, and it didn't disappoint me at all.
It was such an inspiring, exhilarating, sweet story, It gave me butterflies in my stomach, melted my heart, and delighted my soul. Even though I expected the ending and the plot twist but I loved it.
This stirring work confused my emotions, they didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get angry. It exploded all my feelings and gave me a huge appetite to read all Renee Carlino writings, not forgetting, of course, it inflamed my mind and flickered it with many ideas to write about.


View all my reviews Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1)Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5/5 Stars

It wasn't like I expected, but I enjoyed it.

The Plot:
Basically, This story takes us to the Vampire world's, which has an academy specialized in training and studying all the vampire matters', just like Harry Potter world. In addition to the Vampires, there are guardians who are trained to be the protectors of the Royal Vampire. Rose is one of them. She's trained to be the Guardian of Princess Lissa but their relationship was more than a duty, There's a strong friendship between them.

My Opinion:
It was an enjoyable, quick read. I hated it but at the same time, I liked it.

Why I hated it:
There were over-dramatics scenes and annoying characters, Lissa was the most annoying character for me, I found her pathetic, a big cryer for nothing, Ughh! Annoying as hell!!
Oh yeah, I forgot HAHAHA, The gossiping, what the hell !! Come on! I was expecting Battles, Drama, Love, but gossiping nope. That's why I gave it 3 stars

Why I liked it:
But I loved the world and how it's divided into 2 kinds of vampires (The Strigoi and Moroi). Also, I really loved the Plot Twist (I wasn't expecting it at all).

Overall, I enjoyed it but Is it worth to continue reading this series or not?

View all my reviews The Book ThiefThe Book Thief by Markus Zusak
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Okay, It wasn't that good, I enjoyed it though.

The Plot
So this story is about a girl, Liesel Meminger who lived in Germany (The period of W.W.II) with a Foster family. Liesel always loved books even though she couldn't read. When she learned how to read, she became a book thief.
Basically, this book narrates how the people lived in that period and how the Jews struggled because of Hitler's ruling.

My Opinion:

Unpopular Opinion
Okay, don't hate me. *took a deep breath* Huh, I didn't like this book.
I was expecting more!! please, don't get me wrong. I read many books talking about this period and I really liked them but this one, I didn't feel the connection between me and the story. Even though the last pages made me cry, but the whole plot wasn't kinda mind-blowing.
I expected the scenes will be more described so I can feel what people felt during W.W.II. The only thing that I liked it, is the story was narrated by Death, that was original and kinda creepy, and Rudy. But the whole story nope. I don't why this book is overhyped.


View all my reviews The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1)The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Now I see why everybody loved this book!!

The Plot

So basically, this book is about a mortal girl who lives in a beautiful and cruel world, The Fey's World.
Jude, the mortal girl who her parents were murdered by a Faerie when she was seven years old. The Faerie took her and her sisters to a beautiful world but cruel at the same time. Jude struggled so much in that world. It's hard when you're a mortal and try to live in a world full of power. So she trained hard to take a place in the High King Court but Jude had one problem, she must defy the prince, Cardan who really hates her. In order to do that, she'll face many consequences.

My Opinion:

This book was AMAZING!! Now I see why it's very hyped!
The story was written in a beautifully poetic style and this will make you read it more and more, and the scenes were described wonderfully especially when the author described the battles and the bloodshed, and the Fey world's brutal and exquisite at the same time, which made me want to dive and discover that place. Also the characters, HAHAHA!! Jude the clever and kickass girl, she really knows how to make a faerie fears her, I really liked this character.

But what made me love and adore this book, the plot twists in it, the deceptions and the betrayals, the ups and downs in it and a lot of shocking moments, moments which made me stunned, amazed. every time I read a plot twist, I stop reading for a moment then reread that part, again and again, then I open my mouth in shock and I yell "NO FUCKING WAY!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! HOW COULD HE DO THAT!!"

Overall, I need to read the second book, I really need it in my life now!!!

View all my reviews Secret Heir (Dynasty, #1)Secret Heir by M.J. Prince
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***I received a free eARC from the author in exchange for my honest review***


I wasn't expecting that I'm going to love this book, I had low expectations. At the beginning, The story was slow and kinda boring for me, but then it picked up when Jazmine met Raph and the fun began. Also, Eden!! and high school for the ones who have seraph powers!! Awesome!! The concept of this story was original, which made me like it more and more!
And what I loved the most is the way the scenes are described, It felt like I'm watching a TV Series.

Oh, the end!!! Cliffhanger!!!! I need to read the next book!! you can't just leave me like that!! I need answers!!

View all my reviews Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices, #2)Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holly Crap

I'm in shock right now, I can't find the right words that describe my current status, I'm torn apart, my heart is broken into million pieces, my mind can't decide what to do, I don't know if I'm going to cry, to yell, or throw the book away (I mean my phone because I don't own a physical copy).

*Took a Deep Breath* Cassandra Clare! How dare you to write an end like that! You left me devastated, torn apart, speechless, I don't know what to do with my life!! I hope in the third book I'll find a real explanation of what you did to me, to all the readers!!

(view spoiler)</["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]>

View all my reviews The Midnight Star (The Young Elites, #3)The Midnight Star by Marie Lu
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book deserves more than 5 STARS!!

Don't ever read the last chapters when you're outside.

When I began reading it, I thought it will be just like the other two books but then all my theories were wrong. The last chapters tore me apart and had me in tears. This book had a lot of emotions and touching passages, especially in the last chapters. It really broke my heart.
I read the last chapters when I was outside and it was the worst experience in my life, I started crying with no-stop and the problem is I couldn't stop reading because it was good in a painful way, so I sank in my tears and started sobbing, I hope no one had seen me.

(view spoiler)

Overall, I don't know what to do with my life now!</["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]>

View all my reviews Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1)Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was so original!!

I really loved it but what upset me that the story is so short, I expected to be more long with more adventures and mysteries in it. I hope there will be a sequel to this book.

View all my reviews
The TestamentThe Testament by John Grisham
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It was a quite enjoyable read.

The Plot:
So, this story is about, An American billionaire named Troy Phelan. He's an 80years old man with three divorced wives and six heirs. Troy suffered from his illness so he decided to commit a suicide ( he's kinda crazy man). After his death, all his heirs and his wives wanted to read his will, his testament, (I know you're thinking about all his money and his lucky heirs but you have to read till the end!!) And all his money was left to his Illegitimate Daughter (Rachel Lane) I told you he's a crazy man but wise at the same time.
Rachel Lane is a missionary of world's tribes, she lives in somewhere in Brazil with the Indians, she knew just a little about her biological father.
Troy's lawyer decided to find Rachel and inform her about her father and his will, but he couldn't risk his life in the third world, so he sent his an old friend (Nate O'reily) to find Rachel.
Will Nate find Rachel in a middle of nowhere? And will Rachel Accept this will?

My Opinion :
This is my first John Grisham's book reading. Actually, my teacher of oral expression gave us some recommendation of books and told us to read one of them and it will be your exam mark, so I chose this book, and I really enjoyed it.
The story was kinda boring at the beginning, it was hard for me to remember the names of the characters, especially Troy's heirs and wives and their lawyers but when Nate went to Brazil, The fun began!!!

Nate was my favorite character in the story, he was an adventurous, funny, and good man. His life was a mess but he really knew how to fix it.

Oh, Oh!!! and Braziiiiiil!!! I'm in love with this country!! I hope one day I'll make an adventure in Pantanal river just like Nate did and meet the alligators, the piranas, and the Ipicas.
The author did a really great job describing this amazing place in the world when I was reading I felt like I was there with Nate in the canoe, discovering a new dangerous place, I felt excited and afraid, afraid to get lost or eaten by the alligators.
Huuh, All these words can't describe what I felt when I was reading this amazing book.
Thank you, My Teacher, for recommending me this amazing book.

View all my reviews
The Sun and Her FlowersThe Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That was fascinating!!
I adored each word written in it.
This piece of art took my breath away with its beautiful lyrical words and its amazing topics.
I loved how Rupi talked about the immigrant life and how parents struggle with it. So basically, this masterpiece deals with the breakup, the immigrant life, the traditions (which I can relate the most) and the love (self-love).
I really enjoyed reading it, I can't wait for your next work Rupi!!!

View all my reviews Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, #1)Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Three dark queens
Are born in a glen,
Sweet little triplets
Will never be friends.

Three dark sisters
All fair to be seen,
Two to devour
And one to be Queen.

I saw this book for a while on Goodreads, Youtube Channels, on everywhere. I just kept hesitating reading it. Until today I decided to pick it up. and I didn't regret it at all.

Basically, There are three dark queens who are sisters, and they have to fight for the throne, each of them has a power; a dark one.

The Queens:

Katharine: The poisoner, she is the youngest sister among them. Kat is supposed to make the deadliest poisons, but she totally sucks at it. she can barely make an easy one!!

Arsinoe: The naturalist, the second sister who is also supposed to control the deadliest animals and bloom everything around her, but she sucks just like her young sister.

Mirabella: The Elemental, the old sister. Mira the only sister who slays at her gift, she is the most powerful queen. Her gift is to control the elements of the earth for instance Fire, Wind, Water.

My opinion:

I really loved the story. At the beginning, it was really boring, annoying. There were so many information and so little of explanations, I was about to DNF it but I told myself that this plot worths reading. So I struggled at the beginning but I got used to it. I got used to its style of writing, to its characters which their names were hard to spell and most of them I thought they were males, such as Luca (The priestess) and Jules(Arsinoe's friend). But After reading a couple of chapters everything went clear and exciting!!!

How can you hate and kill your sisters just to win the throne!!! That what captivated me to read this book. I loved the darkness in it, the characters were dark, heartless, ruthless.

(view spoiler)

I really have to read the second book!! The ending was a real cliffhanger, a shocking one!!
I have to find answers.


View all my reviews The Sun Is Also a StarThe Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So many cheesiness in it

I enjoyed it, but not much as I expected.
It was quick, fluffy, cheesy, cute read. I loved the development of the story, how it began from Natasha (Jamaican girl) when she met Daniel, The Korean boy. But what I didn't like is love at the first sight. How could you love a person in one day, IMPOSSIBLE!! The attraction in it was exaggerated.
And what I liked is the description of the immigrant's life in USA. it's a real struggle.

Overall, I enjoyed, this book made laugh, and cry. But I was expecting more.

View all my reviews حقيقة الخديعةحقيقة الخديعة by Dan Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What A Mind Blowing Story!!!

As always Dan Brown has never disappointed me!

The Plot
When NASA discovered a new rare object which was buried under the Arctic ice. This discovery was a victory for the white house and the NASA also. because this victory has profound implications for U.S and the presidential elections. So The president dispatches his intelligent analyst Rachel Sexton to the Milne Ice Shelf to verify the accuracy of this find. When Rachel Arrived that place, she met a group of experts including Michael Toland. Rachel and Michael uncovered a huge mistake, a trick which was made by scientists.
When Rachel and Michael tried to contact the president to tell him about this trick, a deadly team of assassins stopped them.
Rachel and Michael ran with their lives but The assassins still following them. So how could they survive and show this deception to the world??

My Opinion:
I don't know where to begin!! This Book was a piece of art!!

After reading Angels & Demons last year, this year, I decided to pick another Dan Brown's book and this choice didn't disappoint me at all.
I don't know how to describe it. Everything in this story was perfect, the plot, the facts, the humor, the characters, all these things were amazing.
Starting with the plot. Aghhh is about NASA and presidential elections, okay I'm definitely in it!!

The events were narrated in an amazing way which made them so real, so vivid, they were sequent, each event enchained the next one. and that makes you want to read more!!!
Oh, and what I love the most in Dan Brown's books is the facts written in them. I love learning something new, and this book has pieces of information about NASA, The Delta Force, and even
National Reconnaissance Office. I devoured each information written in this book. Without forgetting the plot twists, There were a lot of them which made me always shocked, this book made me laugh, get frustrated, and shocked. it played with my heart so well.

And the characters, Huh what can I say!! they were all scientists, educated and most of that funny. I don't why all the scientists have humor. I bet this is in their blood.

Overall, I enjoyed eating this book, I loved it, which made this story in my top ten readings.

View all my reviews Daughter of the Pirate King (Daughter of the Pirate King, #1)Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That was Pretty Goooooooooood!!!


The plot:
This story is about a pirate, to emphasize more, She's the daughter of the pirate's king. Alosa was sent on a mission to find the map which it leads them to a land full of treasures. She has to succeed or she will face the anger of her father.

The Characters:

My favorite character in this book!!! I loved her sassiness, her stubbornness, her ruthless heart. She's totally heartless, she doesn't care about anyone. and her sarcasm always made me laugh. Aghhh I don't have the words to describe her more. I loved her!!!!

This character has a big heart. He doesn't look like a pirate, he's totally different. Riden is careful, more organized and clean the other dirty pirates. But also is a mysterious one, he's totally hiding something!

My Opinion:
After a month of struggling with the reading slump, I decided to pick this book and forced myself to read it. I had low expectations about this story, especially the first chapters were so slow but then the fun started.

This book blew my mind. There was brutality in it and a little bit of seduction *_* (Ah little naughty Alosa). The story was written in such an amazing way, I loved how the characters were described and the conversation between them, there was a lot of sarcasm and humor, and that what made the story more enjoyable. Also, the battles were described in a way which made me feel like I'm there, between the pirates (Aye)

This was my First Read about the pirates, and I loved it so freaking much!!

This book was a really good adventure, I didn't want to end it, but what can I do, the story is so delicious and I couldn't resist that.

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By Your SideBy Your Side by Kasie West
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I didn't like it nor hate it neither, I just enjoyed it.

The Plot:
Is about a girl named Autumn who got stuck at the library with someone named Dax during the weekend. A lot of things happened during this weekend.

My Opinion:

As I said I didn't like it nor hate it neither, I just enjoyed it It was a fluffy read.

(view spoiler)

I enjoyed it though lol.

View all my reviews The Song of AchillesThe Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Okay, I don't know where to start.

The Plot:

This story is about Patroclus, a prince who has been exiled from his kingdom because of his crime To Peleus kingdom. Then he met the prince Achilles who became his best friend (more than a friend).

One day Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped. So Achilles must go to the war and face his fate. But Patroclus decided to with him, and a lot of things happened...

My Opinion:
I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved it and at the same time, I hated it.

I loved it because of the Myths. This book summarises everything about The Greek's Gods. I really adored the style of writing was full of adjectives and metaphors which made the story vivid.
And the way the battles were described. God!! I felt like I was in the middle of the war. Also, the connection between the characters was bright, alive, and brilliant. So many things made me love this story but what I didn't like is the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, I hated the love between them, I think their friendship was better.

Oh, I almost forgot! this book needs a map!!!!

Overall I loved it, I enjoyed it. It made cry and sob when I finished it. Now I'm heartbroken and dunno what to do with my life :'(.


View all my reviews
LullabiesLullabies by Lang Leav
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed it was a quick read full of love and heartbreaking. It's like experiencing the ugly part of love.

View all my reviews Eliza and Her MonstersEliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was Epic!!
This story is so original and amazing!!
Eliza is a teenage girl who has a famous webcomic Monstrous Sea. But no one knows that she is the creator of the webcomic. One day she met a boy who is the biggest fan of that web comic.
She didn't know what to do if tell him the truth or not. But she decided to keep her identity anonymous and let her works shine.

It was a fun read I loved it so freaking much. I liked Her family more than Eliza. I loved the connection between them it reminds me of my family when they see me always with my phone or my computer but they don't understand what I'm doing.

It's a really cute fun story I highly recommend to you.

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The Rose Society (The Young Elites, #2)The Rose Society by Marie Lu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wooah !! I don't know why I'm liking this trilogy!!

After finishing the Young Elites I started immediately this book, to know more about what gonna happen to Adelina. And Yeah a lot of things happened, New Elites, New relationships. I really enjoyed this one more than the first. Adelina became darker than she was and that's why I enjoyed this one.

I really need to complete this trilogy ASAP!!

View all my reviews The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)The Young Elites by Marie Lu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Okay !!! I don't know how I feel right now after finishing this book.

The Plot:
Once upon a time, in a different world, where the days and the months were so unlike and distinct. A kingdom was cursed by a deathly fever who killed the half of its population, and the rest were left with awful marks. One of these marked people there was a little girl named Adelina. She was beautiful but cursed with an ugly mark. These marked people were humiliated by their kingdom. They don't have any rights and everybody fears and hates them. So, Adelina was. She was humiliated by her own father who kept beating her and insulting her.
One day she tried to run from him but something happened to her. She was caught by her father and then something strange happened to her, She freed a dark power who killed her father!!
The soldiers caught her and decided to execute her. But of course something incredible happened but I won't tell you, read the book so you can know!!

My Opinion:
I loved the story, I loved everything in it; The world was so different and odd for me but I melted with its rules, traditions, and mores.
And God!! The plot was amazing every time it surprised me with a twist and new adventure.

When I was reading this book, I was like terrified and scared of something bad would happen. This book was full of suspense and tension, It was full of up and down, and that's what made me so attached to it.


The characters were good and described so well. The connection between them was so vivid I loved them all especially Teren the ruthless villain.


But I had one tiny problem with one character: ADELINA
She frustrated me a lot!! I wanted to kill her and rip her apart. God!!! She's so dumb, irresponsible, careless, and ludicrous. Her plans and decisions were Aghhh!! I really hated this character.


AND THE ENDING!!! I'm so speechless!! I have no words to describe it. All I have to do is to pick the second book and READ IT!!!

View all my reviews Poison Study (Study, #1)Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed this book!! I was about to DNF it but I forced myself to continue reading it and it was awesome!!

The plot:
The story is about a girl named YELENA, who was about to execute her because of her crime, The commander suggested two choices. The first choice is to die and The second is to be his food taster, so obviously she chose the second one. But Yelena wanted more than this, she wanted her freedom back.

The plot a the beginning was so slow it made me so bored but then the fun started!!

I really enjoyed the story, it was so original for me and full of events and adventure. I loved how the events were described, they were like a symphony with no missing notes.
The only problem I had with this book is the characters

At the beginning, she was the best character I've read, but then she started annoying me with her dumb decisions and thoughtless plans. It frustrated me a lot but this character started to develop and get better.


The Assassin *Wooooh* (I'm scared but of course I'm not). So, he's the assassin of the commander the one who taught Yelena the poisons. He was good at the beginning but then I don't know what the hell had happened to him!! He was scary and ruthless. But all these bad things had disappeared. And I was like Meh.


Probably the best character in this book. I love villains. I love their ruthless, merciless hearts and their blood thirsty thinkings. I loved how bad he was, how his actings were so brutal with zero humanity in them. I LOVED IT!!!


I'll definitely continue reading this trilogy maybe the characters start getting better.

View all my reviews Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After watching all Harry Potter's movies and fell in love with them, I started reading this famous incredible series and loved it of course.

There wasn't any big difference between the movie and the book, but there were some scenes who made the story so clear to me.

When I began to read this series I felt amazed, impressed. How did Rowling invent this amazing wonderful world? All those creatures, and worlds. God!! She's a marvelous author!!!

And yeah I almost forget!! I read this whole book just to read this sentence "Dobby is free!!" Hahaha, I know, you think I'm crazy, but I really freaking love this character.

View all my reviews Bad MommyBad Mommy by Tarryn Fisher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What A Psychic Read!!

Okay, I don't know how to describe this book!!

First, let's start with the plot. The story is about a woman named Fig (What a crazy name!!) she just moved into a new neighborhood because she wanted to steal somebody's life, Jolene life, she wanted her husband her home even her little child. But some things will happen and it will blow your mind away!!!!

I loved this book so much, it was full of psychic characters. The story was divided into three parts, each part deal with one perspective ( Fig, Darius, Jolene) and each perspective huh has his own psychic side. God!! I felt like I'm one of them too HAHAHA.


The beginning was so slow, but when the second part started, everything became so clear to me. I felt so much connected to the characters, it was like I melted with their feelings and their thoughts.

If you're looking for a crazy psychic read, pick this one and you'll never regret!!

View all my reviews Love & MisadventureLove & Misadventure by Lang Leav
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This month I decided to read some poetry. And I was so lucky to pick this piece of art. I so freaking loved it.

It talks about a desperate love. It's like a bad adventure she had experienced in love. I loved so much the writing it was lyric and rhythmic. I will definitely continue reading Lang's poetry.

Oh! and also I almost forgot!! The cover !! It's so adorable and cute, it makes you want to devour this book.

View all my reviews Milk and HoneyMilk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved it so freaking much.

This the first time I read poetry, I was kind of afraid of this genre of fiction. So I said to myself, "Why don't you give it a try?", So I chose this piece of art and I LOVED IT SO DAMN MUCH!!

God!! Those words, they entered into my soul and ripped it apart.

I adored how the book was divided into chapters, each chapter talks about a situation, for instance, love, abuse...
The description of each situation was God!! I can't find the words to describe it.
Each word written in it was well chosen, and its source was from the heart.

I'm speechless, I can't find a word to describe this masterpiece.

View all my reviews Hollow City (Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children, #2)Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an awesome book.

The beginning was so slow, but when the adventure started it became to put it down. I loved so damn much, This book was better than the first one, there was a lot of adventures, a lot of up and down. And what made this book creepy the illustrations, the photos in it. Those photos made the story so vivid, sometimes I wondered if it's a real story. Ah!! the Writing was awesome, full of descriptions and beautiful, amazing words.

I felt so much connected to the characters, especially Emma, she was full of energy, always cheerful, and always keeps the group stick together.

The end was a WOW for me, I wasn't expecting that. It was hard for me to process what happened, my mind couldn't believe what was going on, I kept saying in shock,"What the fuck just happened!! Is that real?? No, it couldn't be!!".

So, I loved this book so much and I have to read the third and the conclusion of this amazing trilogy.

View all my reviews To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book so bad!!!

The Plot:
The story is about a girl named Lara Jean who every time when she like a boy, she wrote a letter to him but she doesn't send it. One day all the letters were sent to their consignees. And then the problems have started, So Lara gonna figure it out and solve these problems??

The Characters:

Lara Jean:
I loved this character so much, she didn't like attention, she has her own style of life, she loves baking and knitting. She's the dream girl of each boy. The problem is she's so naive.


The big sister. Lara Jean's sister. As a big sister, I really understood this character, I understood her choices, her decisions. The connection between me and Margot was so strong.


This character made this story so funny and hilarious, this tiny girl has put in this book a flavor, she always made my day with her sarcasm.


The hot guy in the high school, He is so popular and famous in his school. He's known for his handsomeness and his charm to get any girl, but there's a side of him that no one knows. What? Are you expecting me to tell you about his side? Read the book so you can know!!


My Opinion:

This book is wonderful, I loved it, I adore it. The style of writing won my heart, it was so simple and sweet and cute. The story was amazing, what I loved the most is the connection between the three sisters. It was so strong, they always support each other of course they argue but they immediately forgave themselves. It's like the relationship between them was glued with love, tenderness, and forgiveness.


Oh yeah, this book made me so emotional and I cried so much, I don't know why I cried that much but the relationship between them got me so emotional, it made my heart melt.

Oh!! I almost forgot to talk about the Korean traditions. I loved it, I loved when Jenny talked about the Korean food and The traditional clothes. All this made me want to visit this country so bad and wear its clothes and taste its delicious food. Yum, Yum!!!

Overall, this book is so cute and adorable. If you're looking for a fluffy, fast, and cute read I highly recommend it to you.

View all my reviews Dark MatterDark Matter by Blake Crouch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book shocked me a lot !!
[image error]

The Plot:
This book following a man called Jason Dessen. Jason is physics' teacher who loves his family so much. One day he was going to congrats his friend when he was coming back to his home he was kidnapped by an anonymous guy. When Jason woke up, he found himself in another world, a different world. Will he find a way to come back to his home?

My Opinion:

This is the first time that I read a SCI-FI book and it was amazing!!! I'm not into this genre but this book made me want to read more and more books in this genre.

I loved the writing style was so simple, it made me understand more theories in physics, even though I hate physics but this book made me love this module.

And what I loved the most is the love between Jason and Daniela. Jason was capable of doing anything to get his family back, He loved his Dani so freaking much. And Dani always trusted him and loved him as much he does. So the connection between them was so real, so vivid.

This book is amazing. If you're not in SCI-FI, try this book, you will definitely love this genre and read more about it.

View all my reviews A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3)A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I Know, I know I'm so late to write a review about this amazing book because I didn't have a time, I was so busy with college and its exam.

Anyway, I don't know how to start talking about my feelings toward this piece of art. I loved this book so much, SARAH J MAAS!! You nearly gave me a heart attack with your plot twist. You played with my heart so well. I loved the writing, the sexy moments, the hilarious moments, and the sad moments.

I'm so sad when this book is the end of this trilogy, I want more and more about Feyre and Rhysand.

Overall, this book is wonderful, beautiful, amazing.

View all my reviews
The Hate U GiveThe Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book deserves more than 5 stars.

The Plot:
It's about a teenage girl named Starr Carter who lives in a bad and dangerous neighborhood, a neighborhood full of gangbangers and drug dealers. One day she was at a party with her friend Khalil then something bad happened (read the book so you can know what happened). So Khalil and Starr ran away from that party, and when Khalil started his engine to get away from that place. A police car stopped them. So the One Fifteen (the policeman) told Khalil to get out of the car, Khalil did what the policeman said, but when the policeman finished inspecting him. Khalil went in the car to see if Starr is okay. At that moment everything went so wrong. The one fifteen Khalil with THREE BULLETS AT RAW!! So you know the story is about. Is about Racism. Huh, I can't tell more about this story. But will Starr tell the truth to the world for what happened? Or will she be scared and frightened for what happened and doesn't say anything?

The Characters:

Or Munch(her Nickname). A sixteen years old who suffered enough for her age. This character was amazing even sometimes she frustrated me but she was brave. I loved her!!!

BIG MAV!! Starr's Daddy who always put a hilarious flavor to the story. He Always gives morals but in a way that makes you always laugh, and what I loved the most in this character, is; he always does anything for his kids. He played the role of the doctor, the protector, and the comedian. Maverick is a perfect dad for me. I'm jealous of you, Starr.

Starr's mother. The sweetest mother in the world. she can be so serious and sweet at the same time. Lisa always makes sure that her kids' feelings are great. Huh, I loved her so damn much.

And these three characters made this story so much alive, and so much real.

My Opinion:
This book is a master piece. It's an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, all the good adjectives describe this awesome writing.
Speaking of writing. Hold on a second !! I can't find the right words to describe this art!!
The style of writing was so vivid, bright, and Brilliant!! Every word was written in this book has an intense meaning. When I was reading those words, my brain started to imagine its characters and fantasize how they spoke. It was like a movie playing in my head. That's why Angie's story was so lively and colorful.


Every story has a message to the readers, So the Message in this story was about Racism. The writer represented this awful behavior in a clear and simple way so anybody could understand this horrible problem. R.I.P HUMANITY. I don't know why still people differentiate their own selves. We are all humans, we all share same organs, we all shit on the toilet.


We are all the same, there's no difference between black and white and no difference between our religions. So why all this hate we give to ourselves??

"O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness."
Said The Prophet Muhammed


Overall, This book is definitely between My Favorite Books Of This Year.

View all my reviews Of Mice and MenOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wasn't expecting this....
This book won my heart

The Plot:

This is a story of two men, George & Lennie. These two men used to travel from place to another place. George is the leader, Lennie the big kid who suffered from a retarded mental, he always keeps making mistakes and always forgets what George said to him. One day they found a job on a farm, so George kept advising Lennie to not get in troubles. So will Lennie obey George?

My Opinion:
This book made my heart melt, I wasn't expecting this at all. At first, I thought this book is boring like the other classic books, but it was totally different, It really surprised me.

The story was original, I loved the comedy in it, it made laugh so many times, and what I loved the most, was the writing style *big sigh* It was so simple and hilarious.

Oh, I almost forgot!!! The Plot Twist!!! What the Hell!! I wasn't Expecting it AT ALL!!!! I was Shoked then I cried and cried so much!!

Overall, This book was amazing, Beautiful, Piece of Art. If you're looking for adventure, comedy, and tragedy, I definitely recommend you this one!!

View all my reviews
Everything, EverythingEverything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely, this book worths more than 5 five stars.
It was so good; I loved it so so much.

The Plot:
Madeline Whittier, 18 years girl who suffers from a SCID. Maddy life was as living in the jail, she can’t go out, she can’t make friends. One day she met a boy; he was her neighbor. So they start communicating and knowing each other by emails, and all these stuff Maddy's mother didn’t know about them. Will she know about them? Will Maddy found a medicament for her illness?

My Opinion:
This book was AWESOME, I wasn’t expecting that, I thought this book is a cheesy love story (Love at the first sight) but it really blew my mind, I loved how the story was written and those illustrations made my heart melt (so cute). The writing style was simple but adorable. It makes you want to read more and more, makes you want to eat his words and devour them. And the characters *BIGH SIGH* were described so well. I loved their sense of humor and the connection between them was real for me. The connection between me and the characters huh felt like the are my friends. (view spoiler).

Love is crazy, Love can kill…

Overall, I adored this book and I will definitely read more and more of Nicola’s writings.

View all my reviews Playing with FirePlaying with Fire by Tess Gerritsen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Five Shining Glittering Stars

Where do I start? This book was My Savior, My Hero. He saved me from an evil monster called READING SLUMP!! Huh!! I love you!!

This book was Amazing, Wonderful, Beautiful. If someone asks me if I enjoyed it I will tell him "No, I didn't enjoy it, I Freaking LOVED IT".

The Plot:
This story followed by A woman named Julia (she is a musician) who bought a composition of music from Venice. This composition called Incendio (Has an amazing story which torn me apart). So everytime when Julia tries to play it something strange happens, So she tried to find the story of this Waltz.

The Characters:


The Musician, who called her a psycho. Beautiful, Stunning and always Ambitious.

The Husband of Julia, I loved this character so much, because he was always by his wife's side, never gave up on her.


The Violinist, The musician guy, the one who composed Incendio. He was so calm, smart, careful and lover.

The Cello girl, Lorenzo's lover. She was so Powerful, Smart, Charming, And so beautiful.

My Opinion:
This book was EPIC. The style of writing was so simple in terms of music (if you love classic music just read this book). I loved the story, It was so GOOD, It's a mixture of Historical fiction, Contemporary, and Mystery, There was a lot of plot twist, Every time keeps shocking me.

I loved when the story to 1938 and showed me how people lived in that period and I really hate WWII, Damn there was no speck of Humanity. What I pitied most is the jews, they lived humiliated from this world, so many innocent jews died in this war. *Let's have a silent minute for humanity's death*.

And what I loved the most is the setting, The setting was in Italy (I really love this country), This country's full of art, and music is art, and God knows how much I love music. Incendio was a haunted waltz, haunted by so many innocent deads, and also haunted by two hopeless lovers.

Overall, This book was so good. DAMN!! I can't find the right words to describe it.

View all my reviews Burying Water (Burying Water, #1)Burying Water by K.A. Tucker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It was good, I enjoyed it.

The Plot
This story follows a woman who was abused and raped by her husband and found in the forest by Jesse. After waking up from a coma she forgot everything even her name. So will she remember what happened to her? And why her husband abused her?

My Opinion
*Sigh*. It was good I enjoyed, I didn't feel the connection between me and the characters. It took me a while to coalesce with this story. The connection between the characters was perfect. Water and Jesse was WOW. But the end felt like a Clishé for me, like I expected the end. There was no polt twist or anything that make this story more dramatic.

Huh It was

View all my reviews Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5)Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


What a Heartbreaking Ending

I don't know what to do with my life now. Everything is baffling!
How dare you, Sarah, to break and shatter my heart into a million pieces.


*Big Sigh* I read this book at so slowly. I didn't want to rush in reading it. Because I wanted to devour each word written in it, I wanted to absorb, consume every event happened in it.
The style of writing changed a lot comparing to the other books in the series. It was more exciting and Adultery *_*.
The characters were WOW, were described so Damn Good!!

And there were some Hottie moments between the characters

The perfect couple. Their relationship felt so real, they were sassy, funny, kickass, and SEXY. The chemistry between them was PERFECT. HUH.. Always made my day...

Dorian & Manon
Well, it seems that the king became more Adult, Sexy, and HOTTIE than he was. Even the Witch was charmed by him. I loved the Dominant Mentality between them. It made their relationship hotter.

Lysandra & Aedion
A perfect match between a shifter and a Sexy Fae. They were Hilarious and Serious at the same time, and they gave an another flavor in this story.

This book was Wonderful-Amazing-Heartbreaking and definitely, it's gonna put me and throw me in a reading slump. I hope it won't last long.

View all my reviews Salt to the SeaSalt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This Book is the best
I really loved this book, I didn't want to finish reading it.

The Plot:
This story is based on real events that happened in World War II. This story followed by Four Characters. Florian from Prussia, Joana from Lithuania, Emilia from Poland, and Alfred from Germany. Each character has his story and his secrets. But fate gathers them together. Will they survive in this war?

The Characters:

The Artist. Prussian guy. The Thief. I loved this character. I loved his manliness and the way he cares about his friends.

The Polish girl. I may call her the fighter. She's only fifteen years old but she carries burdens no one could endure it.

The Lithuanian nurse. she has a delicate heart. she wants to help all the people no matter what they are. Even her enemies when she sees them wounded she goes and helps them.

The Germanian sailor. HAHAHAHA I pity him, he's so naive. But I liked him.

My Opinion:
This book is EPIC, Amazing, and really torn me apart. Everything was described so well.
The characters felt so real, the connection between them was so strong, even between me and them. I laugh when they laugh, I cried when they cried, I felt angry when they felt it. And the style writing of writing made the story so VIVID. It took me to the World War II. I loved it but at the same time, I hated it. I hated how the world was, the was no speck of humanity. Leaders fighting, and their people dying because of them, dying of hunger, and cold. It really made my heart ache. How could these leaders be so selfish and cruel? *Big Sigh*. So I cried, I cried for the people who died innocently in this war, I cried for how the world had become, It becomes so ruthless. Could these wars stop? Could we live in peace?

This book is AMAZING. Ruta, you won my heart with your style of writing, I definitely I will read more and more of your books.

View all my reviews Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Why all Sarah J Mass books are Awesome?
This book is Amazing.
So many things happened in this book and this series became more and more exciting and interesting.
Huh, This book was wonderful, Its style of writing made it looks so real, and especially its characters.
And how the sequence of events were described made me wanting to read and read. I couldn't put this book down, eventhough I had tests in the college, I couldn't!
I need to read EOS ASAP!! I want to see what will happen!!

View all my reviews Paper Princess (The Royals, #1)Paper Princess by Erin Watt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This story was Absolutely amazing. It has been a long time since I read a contemporary book. I was hesitating to read any contemporary book because I don't trust contemporary writer's LOL except Colleen Hoover. But this time I decided to peek a contemporary book because needed some peace and easy read, and I found that one so I gave it a try and it was wonderful.

I loved The Plot . It was enjoyable, hilarious. It looks like I'm watching a tv show.

Ella a seventeen years old was a stripper in a club. she worked this dirty work to pay her bills and buy the medicament for her mother who was ill from cancer. Her mother died and she didn't find anyone who could help her to pay her bills. One day, someone came to where she study and declare that he's her Guardian. She didn't believe him at the first time but then he made a bargain with her so she accepted it and went to live with him. And this Guardian was a close friend to her Billionaire Father. So everything has changed. From Poverty to a Luxurious life. Could she adapt this new life? and I forgot to say that she gonna live with 5 hot sexy boys in the same house!!


This story took me to my youth years, the pranks that I used to do with friends and the gossiping Oh!! I was a big gossiper lol!! The style of Writing was amazing. Everything was amazing in this book!! especially The Characters , Five Hot Characters, Why!! Whyyy!! My poor heart can't handle this sexiness and hotness !!!
Okay let's start with
The stripper girl. She's smart, beautiful, badass, and always funny. And she's not what you think! she's totally diffrent.


The Five Brothers:
The big brother, he's always smart and careful I find him somtimes myterious.

OMG. Bad boy, he loves fighting and somehow he reminds me of Travis Maddox from the book Beautiful Disaster. I really loved this character but not at the end of book.

This boy is awesome!! Hahahah he always made my day. I like him

Sebastian & Swayer:
This twins always make troubles, but they're so cute!!


Ugh!! this bitch I really hated her and still hate her!!


The end of book was a cliff hanger, I was like Whaaat!! then Whyy Reed!! Whyyy!! Are Fucking Kidding Me!!

Huh, I need to read the next book ASAP!!

View all my reviews
Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Finally, I finished it...
I didn't love it or like it, I just enjoyed it.

The Plot:

Juliette, a 17 years old girl. No one could touch her because of her superpower. The Reestablishment(the one who rule the country and want to change everything even the religions and languages) captured her and obliged her to work with them but she refused. Adam the only one who can touch her decided to rescue her from the evils. Could he help her?

The Characters:

The main character, her power is if you touch her you die. Haha, I don't know what to say. The truth I didn't like this character at all. She was always blaming herself, and she wasn't kind of sassy and badass always frightened. I didn't feel the connection between me and her.

The solder. Same thing. He was the hero and the lover boy who want to rescue his Juliette and blah blah....
I didn't like him at all. Probably was the worst character in this book.

The Leader of sector 45 in the Reestablishment. Yeah, this character was AWESOME, I love the villain and psycho character. He loved Juliette but in a psychotic way. I really loved this character. I love the psycho lovers in books. It gives more drama and suspense. Furthermore, he's HOTTIE

My Opinion:
Okay, I wasn't expecting that, I was expecting more than that. So many friends had suggested to me to read this book and told that this book will blow your mind and when I read it my reaction was like this

I didn't feel anything towards this book, neither the story nor the characters.
The story was Naah, not Original, good but not like what I expected to be. I loved the style of writing, It was in a poetic way, kind of Tahereh played with words so well. It felt like I am reading a lyrics of a song or a poem. Mafi included a lot of metaphors which I really loved it.
What I didn't like is the Insta-love. How can a man love a woman without talking to her? he just saw her and loved her!! Impossible!!

Overall I enjoyed this book but I don't think I can finish this trilogy. Sorry Taherah

View all my reviews
A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, what was that!!WHAT WAS THAT!! this book has just blown my mind!!

The Plot:

Feyre is a huntress, one day in a wood she hunted a doe and a big WOLF. a day after a giant BEAST appeared in their cottage wanting to know who killed the wolf; because it wasn't a wolf who she killed it was A FAE. The beast gave her two choices: kill her or leave her family and live with him for the rest of her life, and of course Feyre chose to live with him.

The beast is actually a high Fae in spring court. Tamlin didn't treat Feyre like a slave but he cared and gave what she wants. Feyre noticed that everyone in this court wear a mask and wanted to know what the story behind this mask. Tamlin told there's a spell if we don't wear this mask our power will disappear.
Will Feyre help the high Fae to break this spell?

The characters:

The huntress. she has no feelings in her heart always cold and stubborn. I loved this character, she is badass, she does what she wants.


This one I fell in love with him, Ugh!! He's strong always careful, kind, sweet. Yeah, I'm definitely in love with him.


This character always made my day, always keep me smiling.


The Never Fading Flower.The Queen Of High Fae. I really have a serious problem with villains. I don't know why I love villains and this one; she's the goddess of The Evil Power. She hates human as much she hates Faeries. She enjoys killing and seeing them suffer, And when she wants something she will definitely have it. I loved her, she is on the top of my favorite villain's list.


The High Fae of The Night Court. he is really mysterious, he's really a bad guy but good at the same time, and definitely HOTTIE.

My opinion:
What the hell!! this book is AWESOME. I loved everything in it. I loved the story, the characters, and the WORLD, GOSH!! I wanna live in that world. The way the world was described makes me want to go and discover this world, discover the SEVEN COURTS: Winter, Autumn, Spring, Summer, The Dawn, The Night, and The Day. I'm in love with The Night Court because I want to live with Rhys lol.

This book is totally different from the throne of glass series, everything is different; the plot, the characters and even the style of writing. SARAH J MAAS!! you always surprise me!

This was an Adult book, not YA. There were A REALLY HOT SCENES!!

When I read them I kept saying Am I reading a Sarah J Maas book?? Yeah, it's really her book.

Oh! I almost forgot to talk about the LOVE between Tamlin and Feyre.
The true love he saved her and she saved him, he risked his life to her and she did the same thing. And Feyre did more than Tamlin did to save his life. Feyre kept fighting to save everyone; her family, her lover, humans, and Fearies. She's a Kickass woman.

Everything I've said in this review is nothing comparing to what I felt and feeling when I read this book. I really loved it and I can't wait to read The Second one.

View all my reviews Looking for AlaskaLooking for Alaska by John Green
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The plot:
was so amazing. Miles the geek who moved to college and met some bunch of guys who are so different than him. Miles is a nice guy who was his lifestyle not like the other young guys, but when he met a girl; Alaska, she totally changed his life.

The characters:
Yes, I loved these characters so much.

Miles the geek, the smart boy, Pudge I really liked this character he is faithful loyal to his friends.

Chip The Colonel, The leader. I really love his pranks and the way he talks to his friends always made me laugh.

Alaska, Oh I love her!! Sometimes I found her way of thinking similar to mine, She's moody, she doesn't care, she lives every second of her life, and when you try to understand her more she keeps rejecting you like what she did to Miles.

My opinion:
This book is awesome, I loved every word of it. The style of writing was amazing and the plot was described wonderfully. I really loved the story because it took me the period when I started my first college year. new friends and the way of thinking changed, I discovered new things. Oh!! I loved this book so much. I loved how the author described the religions (Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism).
And John Green why do you love killing our Favorite Characters? Do you enjoy seeing your readers cry and sob? Yeah, I cried so hard.

My favorite Quotes:

"But you don't need to like a girl who treats you like you're ten: you've already got a mom" Miles

"Y'all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die" Alaska

"If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane" Miles

"That is the fear. I have lost something important, and I cannot find it, and I need it. It is fear like if someone lost his glasses and went to the glasses store and they told him that the world has run out of glasses and he would just have to do without" Miles

View all my reviews The ReaderThe Reader by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

****I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


Loved it!! Loved it!! This the first time I have read Harkins writings and I really loved it!!

The plot:
The Readers, The Seers, and Tha Jacks. All are humans like us but they have powers, The Seers can predicate the future, The Jacks can change thoughts of human minds, and The Readers can read thoughts. A big war happened between them, The jacks were jealous of The Readers and The Seers, because they are immortals, so The Jacks killed all The Seers.

Ann, The eighteen years old was found on the beach by two young men. They claimed that they were her friends, and when she heard gunshots, Ann didn't have the time to choose what to do. Archer and Devon took care of her and brought her to her home where all The Readers live. At the beginning, it felt strange to her than all welcomed her, then she realized that they believe she's the most powerful Reader- The Lost one.

The characters:

The powerful Reader. She's kickass, funny, and loveable. I loved this character.

Ugh!! Loved it, He's so mysterious, badass, careful. I can't find the words to describe him. I'm in love with him.

Well, I didn't expect that from him, he seemed friendly loveable and funny. Okay, I'm gonna talk more about it in my opinion .

She's so sweet, also powerful, and kind loved her so much.

My opinion:
Where do I start? This book was amazing. The story was written in a wonderful way. The plot was amazing, I really loved. The begin of it was attractive when I read the first chapter I said WOW!! I need to know what will happen next I couldn't stop reading it.

A lot of suspense in it, when Archer was the one who killed Markus, I was like Whaaaaat! It's Impossible!! How could he do that!!!

And what I loved more, the attraction between Ann and Devon. Damn!! It felt so real!! And the first kiss, The Soulmates Kiss. WOW!! It was described in a magic way, the words were playing in mind and GOSH!!! I felt like Devon is kissing me LOL.

The End was Wonderful, Harkins, You really played with my emotions, I thought that Ann died. I started crying and sobbing, then I saw the name Ann in the twenty-ninth chapter, I jumped and danced with joy. Hahaha I know I'm crazy.

I really loved this book, and can't wait to read more of it, I CAN'T!!!!

View all my reviews Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay, that was pretty good.

The plot:
Nothing has changed from the first one, Instead of working with Jan Veck Eck, they started working against him, because he betrayed them, and tried to kill them. Kaz decided to do anything to get his revenge from Jan Veck Eck and Pekka Rollins.

The characters:
Also the same. Nothing changed. Kaz always with his tricks and Inej with her knives. Jesper and Wylan complete each other, they are so funny. Nina and Matthias, Ugh!! My favorite characters in this book, They are amazing, They always made my day.

My opinion:
The book was written in a beautiful way, the connection between the characters was so strong, and the story. Yeah, the story, I don't know where do I start? The beginning was little slow, then all things happened so fast. I laugh so hard, then cried so hard. Nina and Matthias were the best characters in this book. This passage made me laugh so hard in front if everyone in the bus.

“What did she say?” asked Matthias.
Nina coughed and took his arm, leading him away. “She said you’re a very nice fellow, and a credit to the Fjerdan race. Ooh, look, blini! I haven’t had proper blini in forever.”
“That word she used: babink ,” he said. “You’ve called me that before. What does it mean?”
Nina directed her attention to a stack of paper-thin buttered pancakes. “It means sweetie pie.”
“I was just asking, there’s no need to name-call.”
“No, babink means barbarian.” Matthias’ gaze snapped back to the old woman, his glower returning to full force. Nina grabbed his arm. It was like trying to hold on to a boulder. “She wasn’t insulting you! I swear!”
“Barbarian isn’t an insult?” he asked, voice rising.
“No. Well, yes. But not in this context. She wanted to know if you’d like to play Princess and Barbarian.”
“It’s a game?”
“Not exactly.”
“Then what is it?”
Nina couldn’t believe she was actually going to attempt to explain this. As they continued up the street, she said, “In Ravka, there’s a popular series of stories about, um, a brave Fjerdan warrior—”
“Really?” Matthias asked. “He’s the hero?”
“In a manner of speaking. He kidnaps a Ravkan princess—”
“That would never happen.”
“In the story it does, and”—she cleared her throat—“they spend a long time getting to know each other. In his cave.”
“He lives in a cave?”
“It’s a very nice cave. Furs. Jeweled cups. Mead.”
“Ah,” he said approvingly. “A treasure hoard like Ansgar the Mighty. They become allies, then?”
Nina picked up a pair of embroidered gloves from another stand. “Do you like these? Maybe we could get Kaz to wear something with flowers. Liven up his look.”
“How does the story end? Do they fight battles?”
Nina tossed the gloves back on the pile in defeat. “They get to know each other intimately .”
Matthias’ jaw dropped. “In the cave?”
“You see, he’s very brooding, very manly,” Nina hurried on. “But he falls in love with the Ravkan princess and that allows her to civilize him—”
“To civilize him?”
“Yes, but that’s not until the third book.”
“There are three?”
“Matthias, do you need to sit down?”
“This culture is disgusting. The idea that a Ravkan could civilize a Fjerdan—”
“Calm down, Matthias.”
“Perhaps I’ll write a story about insatiable Ravkans who like to get drunk and take their clothes off and make unseemly advances toward hapless Fjerdans.”
“Now that sounds like a party.” Matthias shook his head, but she could see a smile tugging at his lips. She decided to push the advantage. “We could play,” she murmured, quietly enough so that no one around them could hear.
“We most certainly could not.”
“At one point he bathes her.”
Matthias’ steps faltered. “Why would he—”
“She’s tied up, so he has to.”
“Be silent.”
“Already giving orders. That’s very barbarian of you. Or we could mix it up. I’ll be the barbarian and you can be the princess. But you’ll have to do a lot more sighing and trembling and biting your lip.”
“How about I bite your lip?”
“Now you’re getting the hang of it, Helvar.”

Okay, let's talk about the death of Matthias (my favorite character). What the hell!! I wasn't expecting that!! My mind couldn't process the incident. I was like Whaaaat!! What the heck just happened now!!!
I didn't know what to do; cry, feel angry or curse the writer!!

Thereafter I started crying and crying, I couldn't stop!! Why Leigh?? WHY!!! They were the perfect couple in this book they made me laugh so hard, it's them who put a flavor in this book.
This is my favorite line said by Matthias.
“Meeting you was a disaster.”
She raised a brow. “Thank you.”
Djel, he was terrible at this. He stumbled on, trying to make her understand. “But I am grateful for that disaster. I needed a catastrophe to shake me from the life I knew. You were an earthquake, a landslide.”
“I,” she said, planting a hand on her hip, “am a delicate flower.”
“You aren’t a flower, you’re every blossom in the wood blooming at once. You are a tidal wave. You’re a stampede. You are overwhelming.”

At the end this book was good. I hope Nina will get over the death of Matthias (And me too).

View all my reviews
A Monster CallsA Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The Plot:
Conor's mother is dying because of cancer. every night at 12:07, a monster keep visiting him. At the first Conor was afraid of it, but he used his company and become his friend. The monster every night tell Conor stories. Each story has a wisdom in it.
Who is the monster? And why he keeps visiting Conor?

The characters:

A thirteen years old kid who his mother dying. He lives in world full of nightmares.

The monster:
So mysterious, you can't guess if he's good or bad, but his words always have a meaning .

My opinion:
This book had torn me apart. I loved the story, it was beautifully written. The characters. Oh!! Poor Conor, I'm really sorry about your mother.
When I finished it, I was crying hard, I couldn't stop sobbing, And every time I remember this story I start crying. I can't wait to see the movie.
Oh! My heart's aching.

View all my reviews Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ugh!! This book is AWESOME!!

The Plot
Jurda Parem is the drug that makes the Grisha powerful and addicted to it. Bo Yul Bayur is who invented this drug.
Van Eck is a rich mercher from Katterdam, hired Kaz Berkker, the Dirtyhands, the bastard of Ketterdam, to save Bo Yul Bayur from Fjerdans prison, but of course nothing for free. Kaz demanded thirty millions Kurgs to save him, and Van Eck agreed.
Kaz gathered five most devils, thieves, and criminals in Ketterdam, to help him in this mission.

A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager.

A runaway with a privileged past.

A spy known as the Wraith.

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums.

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.

But each one of them has a story, and a revenge had to be paid.
Will they save the Grisha world from destruction? Will they work together and not kill each other?

The characters

The boss of the crew. Kaz is the most devil criminal in Ketterdam everyone fear him. He has no feelings and no mercy.

The spy girl. Known in Katterdam as Wraith, no one can hear her footsteps and good with knives, she's so dangerous.

The Heartrender. Nina was with the Grisha Second army. She's so smart so powerful, in one hand she can stop your beating heart, but also so kind and funny.

The Witch Hunter, drùskelle. He is So powerful, So big, So much, and I'm So IN LOVE WITH HIM hahaha.

The sharpshooter, don't mess with his guns or I should tell his babies. Also, he's a Fabrikator.

The smart boy. Wylan is the son of Van Eck. he was raised to as a Heir, but he found that so odd.
Wylan can not write or read but is so talented with drawing, painting, music, and demolitions.

My opinion
THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!! I loved every word of it. The plot was written so amazingly, the story was amazing, I loved the battles and the way was described wonderfully. Ugh!! And the characters WOW!! I loved when each one of them describes his life and tell his story. The relationships was so complicated:

Kaz and Inej

Okay I don't know what's the matter with Kaz why he can't just tell what he feels to her. When she is near to him he became so hot, he's heart beat so fast, but when she talked to him, he responded with coldness. In every intimacy moment between them I yell at Kaz"KISS HER!!!, TELL HER WHAT YOU FEEL"
I hope in the next book their relationship will get better.

Matthias and Nina
this is the most complicated relationship, Matthias was betrayed by Nina, but he doesn't know that she saved his life so many time. He was so thirsty for revenge, however he still have feelings for her. He didn't know what to do. Love her was a shame to him and to his country because he's a Grisha hunter, but Nina was always good to him.


View all my reviews
My Lady Jane
My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love it !! Love it!!
This is the first time I have read a fantasy book and laugh so hard.

The plot
Once upon a time, England was divided into kind of people verities and E∂ians.
Verities were normal people, but E∂ians were blessed with a gift, a gift who can change them from human to animals. England was ruled by the King Edward. One day he got so sick by the affliction whose make his dying. Edward decided to give his kingdom to someone who can trust him. His first man, Dudley suggested to give his kingdom to his cousin Jane and marry her to his son. The king liked the idea and decided to marry his cousin and best friend Jane to Gifford (son of Dudley).
Gifford is an E∂ians but he can’t control his shift, from the dawn of the sunset he turned into a horse and from the sunset to the dawn he became into a human body.
Days after days, Edward discovered that he’s not sick, but poisoned by his first man, Dudley.
How Edward could save his self and his kingdom? Could he find the antidote before he dies? And what will happen to his best friend Jane?

The characters
Okay, all these characters were hilarious.


The bookish girl, redhead girl, and a sexy ferret HAHAHA. she was hilarious, I loved every word she said. Jane is so smart and so kind. she likes helping people.

“I also love you more than being queen, which admittedly, I didn’t love a lot.
“I know I’m not inspiring much confidence at this point, but there’s something else I thought I’d bring up.” She lifted her eyes to him. “I love you more than I love books.”


Please call him G. The poetry lover. The powerful Horse. I fell in love with his words, he knows how to make a woman fall in love with him. Agh his words *__*.

“My Lady Jane . . .
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”


The king or I shall call him the boyish king. he's courageous and so brave, and he's so funny.

“I am not dead" argued Edward. "There are nefarious villains who would have you believe I died. But any accounts of my demise have been grossly exaggerated, I assure you, for here I am, very much alive.”

  Gifford and Jane

I'm so jealous of their relationship!! This couple is amazing, beautiful, and so funny. They care for each other, and love each other so bad. In a simple word, they complete each other. Their relationship felt so real. The connection between these two characters is so strong.

My opinion
Ugh!! This book is awesome!! The style of writing was amazing, the characters were described so wonderfully. I can't believe that this story is retold, but in a funny way.
The parts I loved most in this book, were the funniest moments.

  Funniest moments

1-When G didn't know how to say to Jane that he has a curse:

“G took another gulp, and thought about the best way to break the equestrian news.My dear, you know those four-legged majestical beasts of the land? Well, you married one!
No. That could not be the right approach.My sweet, have you ever had a difficult time deciding between man or beast? Well, now you don’t have to!
Again, he thought better of this tactic.Sweet lady, there are those of us who sleep lying down, and those of us who sleep standing up. I can do both.
No.You know how some men claim to have another, perhaps hairier side?Have you ever cursed the fact that your loved one has just the two legs?Did you know that horses have incredible balance?Hey! What’s that over there? And then he would gallop away.”

2-When G and Jane just married and tried to set rules:

“No horse jokes," he said.
"My lord, I apologize for the horse joke. If you put down the book---unharmed!---I will give you a carrot."
He brandished the book at her. "Was that a horse joke?"
"Was that a horse joke?”

3-When Jane explained to G how to fight with the bear:

“Firstly, bears are always hungry. So when you encounter the bear, don’t act like food.”
“I read it in a book last summer, called—”
G held up a hand. “Don’t tell me the name! No time.”
“Right. As I was saying, bears are always hungry. Try not to act like food.”
“How does one act like food?”

Amazing book that I highly recommend it

View all my reviews Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely Top Favorite Book Of This Year!!
First of all, look at this AMAZING cover!!

The Plot

Once upon time, in another world,a world who was divided by blood: Silver blood, Red blood
The red was like a slaver for the silvers one, they served them and fight in their battle because Red doesn’t have power like silver.
The silver were powerful and rich, because of their power they ruled the world. Each of them have powers such as: Fire, Iron, Earth, and Healer…
Mare Barrow, the Red girl lived like thief in her world. Mare best friend’s Kilorn was an apprentice, one day his boss died, so he have to join the silver army. Mare tried to save him from this awful fate. She went to the scarlet guard (rebels), they told her she have to bring 1000 kings (money of this world) to save her best friend. Mare agreed and decided to help her Kilorn by going to the silver world and steal money from them. When she went to the Silver, Mare was caught by the prince Cal. The prince asked her why you’re stealing and she told him the truth.
The following day, the guard come to mare house and drag her to palace to work like servant. In that day, there was a ceremony of picking the right and future queen to their kingdom (wife for The Prince Cal). And in that moment a magical miracle happened to Mare, she was full of electricity power, all the invited silvers were shocked. The queen and the king lied to their people that Mare is one of them, raised by Red. At this moment everything changed in life of Mare, so will she change her destiny? Will she help her people by this power? And the important question who is she?

The Characters

The lightning girl. A red girl with power. This character was amazing, she was naive but smart.

The best friend of Mare. Mare was his world, and he did everything to her just to save her from the evils.
The prince and the future king. He was so smart and powerful, also so kind with his people not like his father. His power is Fire.
The prince and the brother of Cal. Okay, this character was Agh!! I can't find words to describe him. At the beginning was like an angel the he turned like an evil. The traitor. his power is Fire.
The elite of the Samos house, and the betrothed to Cal. She is my favorite, I loved her merciless feelings. She deserved to be queen. Her power is iron.
Queen Elara
My favorite part, I don't know why I love villains characters, always weirdo. Anyway, Elara is the queen, merciless,heartless, and ruthless. She is so slyness that make her do anything to make her son (Maven) be the king.
The captain of scarlet guard. Badass, kickass. Nothing scares her.

My opinion
This book blown my mind. The style of writing was wonderful. The battles were described in a beautiful way. The setting was pictured and described so pretty good.
"Anyone can betray anyone."

I loved this quote, because it's so true, anyone in this world can betray you.

Everything is incredible in this book. I can't wait for the next one.

View all my reviews A Torch Against the Night (An Ember in the Ashes, #2)A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.7/5 stars
This book was pretty good.
@Mebarka, Thanks so much for the recommendation. :* :)

After Laia saved Elias from execution. Elias vowed to Laia to save her brother from Kauf Prison. They became the most wanted people in the Empire,So they faced so many obstacles from Keris (The merciless mother), and from the Emperor Marcus.

The Characters

Well as usual, he was hero at every moment. He always tries to save all the people from The Martials but when he can't he keep blaming his self.
“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don't lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.”


Laia of Serra, the bravest girl, and the magical girl. She protected her all friends from The Martial; not all but most of them. I really loved this character, She kept making mistakes but she didn't gave up.
“It takes only a split second for life to go horribly wrong. To fix the mess, I need a thousand things to go right. The distance from one bit of luck to the next feels as great as the distance across oceans. But, I decide in this moment, I will bridge that distance, again and again, until I win. I will not fail.”


The Blood Shrike. She's so loyal to her Empire, but she didn't know what to do after Marcus ordered her to kill her best friend Elias. Helene didn't know what to listen her heart or her mind.
“But you, Helena Aquilla, are no swift-burning spark. You are a torch against the night - if you dare to let yourself burn.”


I've never met A heartless and merciless women like her, she's so harsh, loved her so much. I know it's weird to love a villain but I loved her hahah, I loved her slyness.
Mercy is weakness. Offer it to your enemies and you might as well fall upon your own sword.


(view spoiler)

My opinion
Well, I loved the story. The style of writing was so good. I felt the connection between the characters and me, and I cried in some passages (cried so hard), this story played with my emotions so well, I didn't if I'm sad or angry, but the end I didn't like it; what happened to Elias? Was he alive or not? So well done Sabaa I'm bounded to this series and I can't wait for the next book because I'm eager to know what will happen next. So many things are messy and I don't know how it will be solved and everything will be OKAY.

View all my reviews An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely Five Stars!

This is an amazing book that I highly recommend.

It’s about a girl named Laia, who her grandparents was killed by the Martial Empire and her brother was taken from her because he worked with rebels, so she decided to save him. She joined the Resistance (rebels) and they told her we can help you to rescue your brother if you help us. She has no choice. Laia worked like a spy for the rebels and like a slave in the Empire’s greatest military academy. There she met Elias the soldier, who was against his Empire. He wanted to be free from the brutality of his Empire. So Elias and Laia realized that their destinies are intertwined.

The book was amazingly written, I felt like I’m living in it.

The Characters was so amazing, so wonderfully described, and also felt like I have this connection with them, felt like they are living with me, like my friends.

The stubborn,badass,the one who doesn't follow the orders even it costs his life,the hero.
I loved this character.

The lion heart, she do anything to keep her family and friends safe.
image: description

The loyal girl. She do anything to keep her empire safe. She is so faithful to her empire.

I somehow liked this character, yes she's heartless and evil but I loved the way she thinks.

“Life is made of so many moments that mean nothing. Then one day, a single moment comes along to define every second that comes after. Such moments are tests of courage, of strength.”
― Sabaa Tahir, An Ember in the Ashes

This book shows how to be strong, to face anything happens to you. How to be loyal to your empire and to the ones you love. And also how not to lose your soul no matter what happens to you don't let that thing damage your soul.

So yeah, best book I have ever read this year.

View all my reviews Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, this book was AMAZING!!!

Celeana, the 18 years-old girl was an assassin, but she was caught by the kingdom when she was 17 years-old. She served a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes. Then the Prince Dorian came to her and offered to be free but in condition: She have to participate in Champion competition to become The Champion King (royal assassin), and Celeana agreed.

After days from the beginning of the competition. The assassins and the criminals who participated started to die one after one, and that was strange to Celeana, so she decided to discover what's going on, and figure out who is the killer??

The Charachters

LOVED HER SO MUCH!! Come on, she is kickass, badass. UGH! Loved her so much. She is also a bookish girl. Celeana loves books and she can't stay one day without reading.

The prince Dorian
The Prince Charming, he is so charming to Celeana and he liked her so much. Also he loves reading too.

The captain guard and the trainer of Celeana. Well, he has a strong personality not emotional like his friend; Dorian.

My opinion
Amazing story, love it, love it, love it so much. The writing was amazing, the words were written so beautifully. Sarah J Maas described the battles so well. The characters were narrated so wonderfully, and how Celeana fought Ugh I wanna be like her, especially when she fought Cain, Celeana rocked at the arena. The end of story was amazing, I wasn’t expecting that. All the crimes were caused by THE KING!! At this part my head blown, and say WHAAAAT!!!

And look at this gorgeous cover!!!


this is my top favorite book at this year, I highly recommended to you.
Can't wait to read the next book!! *_*

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The Handmaid's Tale (The Handmaid's Tale, #1)The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

It really doesn't worth all that hype.

It wasn't a good book and neither a bad one.

It was a meh. The story didn't attract me a lot. Like I said it was meh. It was really annoying, I forced myself to finish reading this book, there were no plot twists, no drama, just a woman who narrated her days.

And also, the writing style was so difficult. For instance, while you're reading this book there's no cotation marks, so you can't differ if there is a conversation or not, you have to re-read the paragraph, so you can understand.

Even, the characters I really hated the characters, especially Offred. She is a woman who do anything to stay alive, even giving her body to anyone, she didn't try to rebel or even run away from where she is. Horrible .

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Scythe (Arc of a Scythe, #1)Scythe by Neal Shusterman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Glittering, shining stars

It was surprisingly so good, from the moment I started reading it I couldn't put it down.
The world was so original which made this book unique. Everything in this book was amazing. I highly recommend it!!

View all my reviews Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe, #2)Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This the only word that I found which describe what I felt when I finished this book.
At first, it started really slow but the more I read the more it got really suspenseful.

I really can't wait for the third book to come out!!

View all my reviews The Little House on the PrairieThe Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a cute little story.
One day I'll read it to my children because it's really so cute and it has some morals to the children.

View all my reviews Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire, #1)Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This book, it's really not for me. I tried to continue reading in it but i couldn't.

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