Friday, December 16, 2016

Review: Shatter Me

Shatter Me Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Finally, I finished it...
I didn't love it or like it, I just enjoyed it.

The Plot:

Juliette, a 17 years old girl. No one could touch her because of her superpower. The Reestablishment(the one who rule the country and want to change everything even the religions and languages) captured her and obliged her to work with them but she refused. Adam the only one who can touch her decided to rescue her from the evils. Could he help her?

The Characters:

The main character, her power is if you touch her you die. Haha, I don't know what to say. The truth I didn't like this character at all. She was always blaming herself, and she wasn't kind of sassy and badass always frightened. I didn't feel the connection between me and her.


The solder. Same thing. He was the hero and the lover boy who want to rescue his Juliette and blah blah....
I didn't like him at all. Probably was the worst character in this book.


The Leader of sector 45 in the Reestablishment. Yeah, this character was AWESOME, I love the villain and psycho character. He loved Juliette but in a psychotic way. I really loved this character. I love the psycho lovers in books. It gives more drama and suspense. Furthermore, he's HOTTIE


My Opinion:
Okay, I wasn't expecting that, I was expecting more than that. So many friends had suggested to me to read this book and told that this book will blow your mind and when I read it my reaction was like this

I didn't feel anything towards this book, neither the story nor the characters.
The story was Naah, not Original, good but not like what I expected to be. I loved the style of writing, It was in a poetic way, kind of Tahereh played with words so well. It felt like I am reading a lyrics of a song or a poem. Mafi included a lot of metaphors which I really loved it.
What I didn't like is the Insta-love. How can a man love a woman without talking to her? he just saw her and loved her!! Impossible!!

Overall I enjoyed this book but I don't think I can finish this trilogy. Sorry Taherah

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