Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Review: Paper Princess

Paper Princess Paper Princess by Erin Watt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This story was Absolutely amazing. It has been a long time since I read a contemporary book. I was hesitating to read any contemporary book because I don't trust contemporary writer's LOL except Colleen Hoover. But this time I decided to peek a contemporary book because needed some peace and easy read, and I found that one so I gave it a try and it was wonderful.

I loved The Plot . It was enjoyable, hilarious. It looks like I'm watching a tv show.

Ella a seventeen years old was a stripper in a club. she worked this dirty work to pay her bills and buy the medicament for her mother who was ill from cancer. Her mother died and she didn't find anyone who could help her to pay her bills. One day, someone came to where she study and declare that he's her Guardian. She didn't believe him at the first time but then he made a bargain with her so she accepted it and went to live with him. And this Guardian was a close friend to her Billionaire Father. So everything has changed. From Poverty to a Luxurious life. Could she adapt this new life? and I forgot to say that she gonna live with 5 hot sexy boys in the same house!!


This story took me to my youth years, the pranks that I used to do with friends and the gossiping Oh!! I was a big gossiper lol!! The style of Writing was amazing. Everything was amazing in this book!! especially The Characters , Five Hot Characters, Why!! Whyyy!! My poor heart can't handle this sexiness and hotness !!!
Okay let's start with
The stripper girl. She's smart, beautiful, badass, and always funny. And she's not what you think! she's totally diffrent.


The Five Brothers:
The big brother, he's always smart and careful I find him somtimes myterious.

OMG. Bad boy, he loves fighting and somehow he reminds me of Travis Maddox from the book Beautiful Disaster. I really loved this character but not at the end of book.

This boy is awesome!! Hahahah he always made my day. I like him

Sebastian & Swayer:
This twins always make troubles, but they're so cute!!


Ugh!! this bitch I really hated her and still hate her!!


The end of book was a cliff hanger, I was like Whaaat!! then Whyy Reed!! Whyyy!! Are Fucking Kidding Me!!

Huh, I need to read the next book ASAP!!

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