Friday, September 18, 2020

Review: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“May the odds be ever in your favor!”


Where was I when this book came out!

I know that all of you have read or watched the movie except me. So, there's no need to sum the story. I'll skip to my POV.
My Opinion:

I used to hate reading book which it's very hyped. One day I was bored and I needed a quick small book. So I picked The Hunger Games.
At the first chapters the story was so annoying, and I hated the main charachter Katniss. However, I forced myself to continue reading it. But then when the game began, I changed every thought about it. I was really captivated by the game and the world, and I began to like Katniss. I began to understand why she was acting like this in the first chapters.
What I liked the most is the describing of the scenes. They felt so real to me. I felt like I was in the game and witness each event happened in it.
(view spoiler)
Overall, I really loved it and enjoyed it.

View all my reviews

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