Sunday, October 9, 2016

Review: Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, this book was AMAZING!!!

Celeana, the 18 years-old girl was an assassin, but she was caught by the kingdom when she was 17 years-old. She served a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes. Then the Prince Dorian came to her and offered to be free but in condition: She have to participate in Champion competition to become The Champion King (royal assassin), and Celeana agreed.

After days from the beginning of the competition. The assassins and the criminals who participated started to die one after one, and that was strange to Celeana, so she decided to discover what's going on, and figure out who is the killer??

The Charachters

LOVED HER SO MUCH!! Come on, she is kickass, badass. UGH! Loved her so much. She is also a bookish girl. Celeana loves books and she can't stay one day without reading.

The prince Dorian
The Prince Charming, he is so charming to Celeana and he liked her so much. Also he loves reading too.

The captain guard and the trainer of Celeana. Well, he has a strong personality not emotional like his friend; Dorian.

My opinion
Amazing story, love it, love it, love it so much. The writing was amazing, the words were written so beautifully. Sarah J Maas described the battles so well. The characters were narrated so wonderfully, and how Celeana fought Ugh I wanna be like her, especially when she fought Cain, Celeana rocked at the arena. The end of story was amazing, I wasn’t expecting that. All the crimes were caused by THE KING!! At this part my head blown, and say WHAAAAT!!!

And look at this gorgeous cover!!!


this is my top favorite book at this year, I highly recommended to you.
Can't wait to read the next book!! *_*

View all my reviews

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