Monday, June 5, 2017

Review: To All the Boys I've Loved Before

To All the Boys I've Loved Before To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book so bad!!!

The Plot:
The story is about a girl named Lara Jean who every time when she like a boy, she wrote a letter to him but she doesn't send it. One day all the letters were sent to their consignees. And then the problems have started, So Lara gonna figure it out and solve these problems??

The Characters:

Lara Jean:
I loved this character so much, she didn't like attention, she has her own style of life, she loves baking and knitting. She's the dream girl of each boy. The problem is she's so naive.


The big sister. Lara Jean's sister. As a big sister, I really understood this character, I understood her choices, her decisions. The connection between me and Margot was so strong.


This character made this story so funny and hilarious, this tiny girl has put in this book a flavor, she always made my day with her sarcasm.


The hot guy in the high school, He is so popular and famous in his school. He's known for his handsomeness and his charm to get any girl, but there's a side of him that no one knows. What? Are you expecting me to tell you about his side? Read the book so you can know!!


My Opinion:

This book is wonderful, I loved it, I adore it. The style of writing won my heart, it was so simple and sweet and cute. The story was amazing, what I loved the most is the connection between the three sisters. It was so strong, they always support each other of course they argue but they immediately forgave themselves. It's like the relationship between them was glued with love, tenderness, and forgiveness.


Oh yeah, this book made me so emotional and I cried so much, I don't know why I cried that much but the relationship between them got me so emotional, it made my heart melt.

Oh!! I almost forgot to talk about the Korean traditions. I loved it, I loved when Jenny talked about the Korean food and The traditional clothes. All this made me want to visit this country so bad and wear its clothes and taste its delicious food. Yum, Yum!!!

Overall, this book is so cute and adorable. If you're looking for a fluffy, fast, and cute read I highly recommend it to you.

View all my reviews

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