Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Review: Poison Study

Poison Study Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed this book!! I was about to DNF it but I forced myself to continue reading it and it was awesome!!

The plot:
The story is about a girl named YELENA, who was about to execute her because of her crime, The commander suggested two choices. The first choice is to die and The second is to be his food taster, so obviously she chose the second one. But Yelena wanted more than this, she wanted her freedom back.

The plot a the beginning was so slow it made me so bored but then the fun started!!

I really enjoyed the story, it was so original for me and full of events and adventure. I loved how the events were described, they were like a symphony with no missing notes.
The only problem I had with this book is the characters

At the beginning, she was the best character I've read, but then she started annoying me with her dumb decisions and thoughtless plans. It frustrated me a lot but this character started to develop and get better.


The Assassin *Wooooh* (I'm scared but of course I'm not). So, he's the assassin of the commander the one who taught Yelena the poisons. He was good at the beginning but then I don't know what the hell had happened to him!! He was scary and ruthless. But all these bad things had disappeared. And I was like Meh.


Probably the best character in this book. I love villains. I love their ruthless, merciless hearts and their blood thirsty thinkings. I loved how bad he was, how his actings were so brutal with zero humanity in them. I LOVED IT!!!


I'll definitely continue reading this trilogy maybe the characters start getting better.

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