Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Review: حقيقة الخديعة

حقيقة الخديعة حقيقة الخديعة by Dan Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What A Mind Blowing Story!!!

As always Dan Brown has never disappointed me!

The Plot
When NASA discovered a new rare object which was buried under the Arctic ice. This discovery was a victory for the white house and the NASA also. because this victory has profound implications for U.S and the presidential elections. So The president dispatches his intelligent analyst Rachel Sexton to the Milne Ice Shelf to verify the accuracy of this find. When Rachel Arrived that place, she met a group of experts including Michael Toland. Rachel and Michael uncovered a huge mistake, a trick which was made by scientists.
When Rachel and Michael tried to contact the president to tell him about this trick, a deadly team of assassins stopped them.
Rachel and Michael ran with their lives but The assassins still following them. So how could they survive and show this deception to the world??

My Opinion:
I don't know where to begin!! This Book was a piece of art!!

After reading Angels & Demons last year, this year, I decided to pick another Dan Brown's book and this choice didn't disappoint me at all.
I don't know how to describe it. Everything in this story was perfect, the plot, the facts, the humor, the characters, all these things were amazing.
Starting with the plot. Aghhh is about NASA and presidential elections, okay I'm definitely in it!!

The events were narrated in an amazing way which made them so real, so vivid, they were sequent, each event enchained the next one. and that makes you want to read more!!!
Oh, and what I love the most in Dan Brown's books is the facts written in them. I love learning something new, and this book has pieces of information about NASA, The Delta Force, and even
National Reconnaissance Office. I devoured each information written in this book. Without forgetting the plot twists, There were a lot of them which made me always shocked, this book made me laugh, get frustrated, and shocked. it played with my heart so well.

And the characters, Huh what can I say!! they were all scientists, educated and most of that funny. I don't why all the scientists have humor. I bet this is in their blood.

Overall, I enjoyed eating this book, I loved it, which made this story in my top ten readings.

View all my reviews

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