Thursday, April 23, 2020

Review: Kingdom of Ash

Kingdom of Ash Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

“To whatever end,” he whispered.
Silver lined her eyes. “To whatever end.”
A reminder—and a vow, more sacred than the wedding oaths they’d sworn on that ship.
To walk this path together, back from the darkness of the iron coffin. To face what waited in Terrasen, ancient promises to the gods be damned.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash


At first, I was intimidated by the length of this book. It took me great courage to start reading it. In the beginning, the plot started really slow but it picked it up after 100 pages, and everything happened really fast.

Every scene passed in this book made wanna read more and know what is going to happen.
My favorite scene was(view spoiler).


Sarah J Maas' writing is so beautiful. It's lyrical, poetic, and engaging. There was a lot of suspense, drama, grief, sadness, joyousness, and love. Each event happened in this story intrigued me .it made me either cry or feel happy. It played with my emotions really well.

I certainly didn't want this series to end. I'm going to miss these characters a lot :(. The book was a fascinating closure for this splendid series. It was the most extraordinary adventure I had in these past years with this sequel.


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