Sunday, March 19, 2017

Harsh World!!

My teacher once said to us to write an essay about, if  we can be happy in this unhappy world, and yes I wrote and I said that yes we can be happy and blah blah blah, but then I realized that I was wrong, I realized that I can't be happy in this unhappy world. Why? I will tell you why. Last time I was watching the news and it was all about wars, death, and strikes, I couldn't find one happy news, all I saw is blood, hate, death, and lost rights. For instance, the students in my country have no rights, they are always oppressed. Why they treat them like this? Isn't the students the future of the country? 

Why the world became so harsh? Huh, the Human became a slave for another Human. We became humiliated by Humans. Aren't we Humans? I'm not making a philosophy lecture here but the world became so Hypocrite, So how can I be happy in this world, and see all this humiliation and injustice. 

My Teacher if you're reading this article I would like to tell you that I was wrong in my essay, I'm not happy in this world, I'm happy being with the ones that I love. But I'm not happy being in this world.

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