Monday, May 1, 2017

Review: The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book deserves more than 5 stars.

The Plot:
It's about a teenage girl named Starr Carter who lives in a bad and dangerous neighborhood, a neighborhood full of gangbangers and drug dealers. One day she was at a party with her friend Khalil then something bad happened (read the book so you can know what happened). So Khalil and Starr ran away from that party, and when Khalil started his engine to get away from that place. A police car stopped them. So the One Fifteen (the policeman) told Khalil to get out of the car, Khalil did what the policeman said, but when the policeman finished inspecting him. Khalil went in the car to see if Starr is okay. At that moment everything went so wrong. The one fifteen killed Khalil with THREE BULLETS AT RAW!! So you know the story is about. Is about Racism. Huh, I can't tell more about this story. But will Starr tell the truth to the world for what happened? Or will she be scared and frightened for what happened and doesn't say anything?

The Characters:

Or Munch(her Nickname). A sixteen years old who suffered enough for her age. This character was amazing even sometimes she frustrated me but she was brave. I loved her!!!

BIG MAV!! Starr's Daddy who always put a hilarious flavor to the story. He Always gives morals but in a way that makes you always laugh, and what I loved the most in this character, is; he always does anything for his kids. He played the role of the doctor, the protector, and the comedian. Maverick is a perfect dad for me. I'm jealous of you, Starr.

Starr's mother. The sweetest mother in the world. she can be so serious and sweet at the same time. Lisa always makes sure that her kids' feelings are great. Huh, I loved her so damn much.

And these three characters made this story so much alive, and so much real.

My Opinion:
This book is a master piece. It's an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, all the good adjectives describe this awesome writing.
Speaking of writing. Hold on a second !! I can't find the right words to describe this art!!
The style of writing was so vivid, bright, and Brilliant!! Every word was written in this book has an intense meaning. When I was reading those words, my brain started to imagine its characters and fantasize how they spoke. It was like a movie playing in my head. That's why Angie's story was so lively and colorful.


Every story has a message to the readers, So the Message in this story was about Racism. The writer represented this awful behavior in a clear and simple way so anybody could understand this horrible problem. R.I.P HUMANITY. I don't know why still people differentiate their own selves. We are all humans, we all share same organs, we all shit on the toilet.


We are all the same, there's no difference between black and white and no difference between our religions. So why all this hate we give to ourselves??

"O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness."
Said The Prophet Muhammed


Overall, This book is definitely between My Favorite Books Of This Year.

View all my reviews

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